About Frank

Part author, comedian & visionary but FULL communicator of Biblical Truth, Frank Shelton travels the globe pointing people to a personal relationship with Jesus. He shares HUMOR, celebrity impressions and powerful life stories that Exalt the Savior, Encourage the Saints and Evangelizes the Sinner desiring to build God's Kingdom not his. Frank has a God given gift to "dial in" to those disconnected from God and hung up in life. He is an evangelist and encourager and ideal for students, singles and Sunday services speaking over 200 dates per year at various venues. Three times he has addressed audiences over 100,000 but just as content preaching in the country church but his passion is going after ONE more soul before its eternally too late.

Pray For Those in Authority

FAITH LEADER SUMMIT - Frank was invited by Pastor Ben Graham to attend an intimate meeting with former President Trump & Dr. Ben Carson last month. Originally, he was one of 100 leaders invited back to Mar-a-lago in West Palm Beach, FL and the outreach grew. It would be changed to Concord, North Carolina and a couple thousand attended including Rev. Franklin Graham, Christian recording [...]

Frank Shelton @ CBN with Anchor John Jessup discussing Faith & Evangelism @ 2024 Olympics.

  Read The Article Here! Watch The Clip here! Frank Shelton @ CBN with John Jessup discuss Faith & Evangelism @ 2024 Olympics. Over 1,500 missionaries are on hand to share the Gospel. Frank has had honor to serve as a chaplain with Lay Witnesses For Christ International four times at past Olympics. Gold is [...]

Olympics Outreach – Paris 2024

PRAYERS NEEDED! - Friends, I’ve been invited to make several trips to Paris, France to help promote and build relationships with key leaders and churches for the upcoming 2024 Olympics. This will be my fourth Olympiad as a chaplain and Dr. Sam Mings of Lay Witnesses For Christ International asked me to go in advance to help pave the way! Lord willing; I [...]


Last week, it was an honor for Ruth and Frank to travel west and blessed to minister in both San Diego, CA and Hawaii. Frank has now been in all 50 states and it was a privilege to minister with their good friends, Caz Taylor and Michelle Winder on KPRAZ (106.1 FM) for two full [...]


MAN UP! - What a JOY it was for Frank to preach last weekend at the first annual Men's Conference at MorningStar Ministries in Fort Mill, SC. Former World Wrestling Champ NIKITA KOLOFF hosted the incredible weekend event and men from over thirty states packed out the beautiful facility. Another dozen nations watched LIVE online. Frank gave the keynote message on [...]


What an honor it was last week to be part of the Field of Dreams evangelistic outreach in Dyersville, Iowa on May 20-21, 2022. My dear friend, Bruce from Tampa connected me with his pastor friend in Iowa who was hosting this incredible event on the very baseball field that Kevin Costner and Hollywood made [...]


Yo! It is no secret that Frank is a BIG Sylvester Stallone fan. He met Sly in Hollywood as a teen (1985) and they reunited two decades later in Vegas when he was an 'extra' in ROCKY BALBOA (2005). In ROCKY V, Balboa fought Tommy Morrison who in real life was a Heavyweight Boxing Champ. He [...]

RETURN 2022!

So excited to be asked by the leaders with RETURN 2022 to preach @ IREDELL FAIR GROUNDS on April 6, 2022 in Statesville, NC with Dr. Clayton King & LT GOV of North Carolina, The Honorable Mark Robinson. Churches from all over the region are coming together to exalt Christ, encourage Christians, energize churches and [...]


     Earlier this month, Frank while in the Peach State had the honor to have a private two-hour lunch with Dr. Alveda King in downtown Atlanta. She is the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and what an honor it was to discuss faith, policy and partnering to fight human trafficking. Her organization has verbally committed [...]