THANK YOU ROMANIA! Praise the Lord and I want to thank Pastor Florin for the huge honor to be your friend and with your wonderful church family this past week. You are a leader’s leader and inspired by your incredible ministry. I don’t take lightly the privilege to preach to the the precious people under your care. You and your lovely wife are a great example to us all. Thank you Cornel for your faith, friendship and Kingdom connection. You are a rare brother and selfless, wise and loyal. Honored to serve The King with you. Plus, traveling with you is always fun!
Thank you to all the wonderful people I met while back here. Twice in public places folks stopped me to say we watch you preach online and television. It’s humbling. The Gospel works and Good News travels fast. To our partners and prayer warriors I say, THANK YOU and your encouragement and support are wind to our sails. Souls are being saved and impacted for eternity. The food and fellowship was incredible. The hospitality first rate and the memories I’ll cherish forever. Over 45,000 views online watched the last few days and just in person we saw scores respond to the Gospel. God only knows the total and all glory to Him.
It’s humbling but this incredible church made me an “Honorary Pastor” there last week! When Cornel and I were here seven years ago, I preached the inaugural sermon in their new facility. The church has exploded in growth numerically and spiritually with multiple churches. The online audience is reaching souls all over the world. Pastor Florin is beloved across America and pockets all over the world. He is a phenomenal pastor, preacher and teacher and has a true Shepherd’s heart. The Romanian people are very special to me. They bless me with their hunger for God and His Word. Over the years with them, I’ve now preached Sunday services, city wide revivals, officiated a wedding, funeral, baptism, ordination and now they give me this honor as their honorary pastor.
At the last service, I met MMA & 4X World Boxing Champ and he not only loves Jesus but sang before I preached! Some exciting things in the works and Lord willing, I hope to return and preach here plus other churches in London, Sweden, Germany and others. This community of believers are on FIRE for JESUS. Thank you, Ruth for holding down the fort and loaning me out like a library book. Lastly, thank you JESUS for using imperfect people like me to promote you alone who is perfect. Praise the Lord and heading Home. #JesusSaves
The new BY FAITH video discusses in detail what God did in Europe plus exciting upcoming ministry. We pause to honor Christian singer and Grammy nominated Mandisa, who recently passed and her voice and heart will be missed but to be absent from the body is to be PRESENT with the LORD! #WelcomeHome
You absolutely have to watch the Buster Douglas clip below after Frank’s remarks on perseverance, destiny and a word from his mother helped him hand Mike Tyson his first loss. Plus, a shout out from Hollywood actor, Richard Thomas from THE WALTON’S honoring Sharon Shelton on Mothers Day. Enjoy!
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