The Lord impressed on me that in addition to my ministry calendar that I am going to with the help of the Holy Spirit and invite of local pastors to preach in all 23 counties of my home state of Maryland in 2024. It was my honor as the former Maryland State Coordinator @ Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to meet many wonderful friends and connect with clergy. Yes, I am still traveling coast to coast and scheduled to preach a crusade in Nassau, Bahamas in February and Bucharest, Romania in April plus gearing up for two weeks in Paris, France as chaplain at the Olympics. I am open to Sunday services (AM or PM) and Saturday Men’s Breakfast or Wed services. When I worked for the Governor of MD, he would hit every county during the campaign and I can do no less for Christ. Below is the letter we mailed to 300 local pastors in Maryland. Ask your pastor or deacons if I can come be a blessing. The powerful video below is the brand new BY FAITH broadcast where we unpack the MD Revival Tour, plus honoring MLK, upcoming ministry in Paris and THIS weekend with World Wrestling Champ Nikita Koloff tonight-Sunday in Delaware (Jan 12-14, 2024). The video also shows a powerful lesson on how one positive word can negate all the hate and lies. Time is short, people need Hope and let’s roll!
Dear Pastor
The reason I am reaching out to you is that God placed an assignment that I am taking seriously. The Lord impressed on me to preach in one church of every county of our state this calendar year. Maryland has TWENTY-THREE counties and time is ticking and I am trusting God to do 23 in ’24!
As you may know, I had honor to serve five years as the MD/DE & DC State Coordinator with Billy Graham Evangelistic Assoc. It was a JOY to connect with scores of people and mobilize churches but one of my favorite parts of the job was meeting, spending time with and ministering to ministers. I am already booked in EIGHT countries abroad this year so I am not doing this because I am bored. In fact, I sense an URGENCY in my Spirit and my prayer is to compliment clergy and connect with the local church and try to add value along the way.
At one time, I served as staff with a former Governor of Maryland. He and those campaigning for that state-wide office hit every, single county during a campaign. For two decades, I also served on staff with the U.S. Senate and those running for that high office also crisscross our great state. It dawned on me if they will go, that hard for a temporal cause I cannot do no less for an ETERNAL cause and preach the Gospel. Government is one thing but GOD is everything!
Would you consider allowing me to preach a Sunday morning service sometime between now and summer? I realize churches often book their schedule months in advance but without question we are in unique times. My friend, Randy travelled with the late Dr. Leonard Ravenhill on the road with him as his assistant. Ravenhill is one of my favorite preachers and authors. Randy shared the time that Dr. Ravenhill picked up the phone and called First Baptist of Atlanta and said, “Charles, the Lord told me you all are ripe for revival and I am on my way.” I met Dr. Stanley twice before he passed but I wouldn’t quite have the guts to call Dr. Charles Stanley and once on phone call him by his first name to schedule a service but Randy said to his credit, he humbly cleared his calendar, gave God space to move and that revival shook the city of Atlanta. In fact, it birthed their homeless outreach and soup kitchen working around the clock decades later and still on all cylinders today.
It would be my honor to come back and I do believe the Lord could return soon. As far as expenses go, we are not asking for hotel, mileage or flights like many cities. We would waive a speaker bureau fee and come for a LOVE OFFERING. The only cost is not doing it. We live completely BY FAITH and God has used the local church and kind Christians locally and globally to bless what He called us to do. I am also open if you are interested in doing a mini-revival, missions’ emphasis, or Harvest Sunday. One church in Alabama brought me in and they normally run 55 on Sunday morning and we had 214 on a Monday night when I preached revival for them. We can have some fun promoting it and encouraging friends to bring a friend and this fosters both evangelism and discipleship. No church is too big or too small and love preaching at different denominations. My goal is not a city-wide outreach like I have done across the country but returning BACK TO BASICS.
Would you look at your calendar to see if I could preach one Sunday? It would be my honor to bless your church family. God bless –
Part author, comedian & visionary but FULL communicator of Biblical Truth, Frank Shelton travels the globe pointing people to a personal relationship with Jesus. He shares HUMOR, celebrity impressions and powerful life stories that Exalt the Savior, Encourage the Saints and Evangelizes the Sinner desiring to build God's Kingdom not his. Frank has a God given gift to "dial in" to those disconnected from God and hung up in life. He is an evangelist and encourager and ideal for students, singles and Sunday services speaking over 200 dates per year at various venues. Three times he has addressed audiences over 100,000 but just as content preaching in the country church but his passion is going after ONE more soul before its eternally too late.
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