Jesus on Times Square! When I booked our Christmas billboard @ Times Square was November 1. We were out front. I knew the Lord said do it and to my knowledge when I booked going into Christmas no one else was doing it for the Holiday & New Year. My buddy, Nathan inspired me for something their ministry did the month before. When I asked staff in NY with the billboard I signed with they told me “no religious or political content.” It went through a couple approval stages and just to put #JesusSaves wasn’t guaranteed. I prayed if it were God’s will it would make the cut. Praise the Lord – it did!
Recently, I was thrilled to see another promote their massive campaign promoting the Nativity. It was featured on all 27 billboards! Ironically, it was made by LDS – God works in mysterious ways and sometimes Faith the size of a mustard seed works miracles and moves mountains. You can see that video below. My friend said I may have helped open the door for a much larger campaign and I cannot take credit for that but it’s humbling just to be a small part. God said do it and we did. Success is on God and obedience is on us.
A mentor told me long ago, “If you don’t see it before you SEE it you may never see it.” I saw in advance tourists on the street, shoppers going store to store, businessmen on the corner looking at their watch and folks hailing a cab or waiting for Uber just hoping someone would see in the middle of a million flickering lights on massive billboards a glimpse of The Light of the world. Something short and sweet but Sacred that may arrest their heart, prick their conscience and stop them in their tracks long enough to consider for perhaps the first time in their life where they may spend eternity. Many plan for a temporal vacation but give little thought to where they may spend forever in the afterlife. We didn’t have near the massive budget as other group in the video link below but rejoicing that JESUS was high and lifted up. Like that first Christmas it was rather simple but Spectacular at the same time. Praise the Lord and all glory to Him. Praying many souls get saved and consider Christ. You heard of 12 Days Before Christmas? Ironically, we purchased TWELVE days to promote this outreach on the massive 55 foot wide x 31 foot tall digital billboard on Broadway. Our promotional video rotated between three slides and we were running next to Coca-Cola, Calvin Klein, Disney, Pele Soccer, Nike & more! Friends, we are on a MISSIONS trip not ego trip and we first ran it on Veterans Day (11/11), Ruth’s birthday (11/16), Thanksgiving Day hoping to reach thousands during Macy’s Parade. We ran it on BLACK FRIDAY when tens of thousands shop the next day in the Big Apple. We ran it every weekend in December and doubled up on that last stretch heading towards Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and all day, multiple times every hour on New Year’s Eve as the ball drops. They anticipate close to half a million or more to be present ushering in the New Year! PRAY now that souls will be touched and born-again.
God loves NY and so do we! We were thrilled the city indeed stopped for a couple minutes on one of the busiest streets on the globe to remind those in person and online that Babe born in Bethlehem indeed changed the world. Christ came on a rescue mission and He who was Divinity slipped into humanity and left Heaven to come to Earth and was birthed in a crib and died on the cross, rose from the dead that first Easter morning and He’s coming again. To God Be The Glory – Great Things He Hath Done! The video below is beautiful and Charlton Heston was right it’s the “greatest story ever told.” Thank you to our partners and friends who helped make our effort possible and our prayer is that many come to Christ this Christmas and New Year. Time is ticking, tomorrow is not certain and the answer is in JESUS not religion. The two most important words ever strung together is #JesusSaves Click Here if you would like to learn how you can be born-again and go to Heaven when you die.
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