This weekend, I had the privilege to preach four times in three days at the Fall Retreat for the junior high students at Immanuel Bible Church They had initially booked me back in the Spring for their retreat but had to cancel because not enough had signed up. For over ten years, I prayed to grow as [...]


   This past week was wild! In just over a week, I was blessed to speak at two funerals, tape two TV shows, speak in two states and preached 11 times.  The movie: "Planes, Trains & Automobiles" comes to mind and the one thing I'm never at a shortage of in my line of work is [...]

Tip or Tithe?

If you are a parent you can relate to this but regardless if you are or not I'm sure you have had this happen to you. My daughter and I were at a gas station recently and while filling up she wanted to go into the convenient store. So opposed to let her [...]

Jamaica Jam! JESUS & Jamaica – May 30, 2011

JESUS & JAMAICA! What a combination!! The fact is, God loves the world so much that in the wise words of Max Lucado: "Jesus would rather die than live without you." It has been my privilege to be part of all three of Praisefest Ministries - "Cruise with a Cause" to the Bahamas (2006-2008). Dr [...]


We use the word "love" too losely in our culture. Another word we take for granted is "God." Some use it in vain and others in the past would not even utter it on their lips because it was too holy only to write it down slowly in reverence of each stroke of the quill [...]


After nine hit seasons, "American Idol" judge Simon Cowell is leaving tomorrow night. Love him or loathe him the fact about Simon is that he was as much as the show's success as any of the upcoming "stars." He has a powerful presence and painfully spoke the truth. Some questioned at times if Mr Cowell [...]

JESUS or Jerseys

Last week, I had the privilege to hear three NFL Coaches share what Jesus means to them at the beautiful First Baptist Church of Glenarden in Upper Marlboro, MD. My buddy, Stevie Prather is one of my best friends and we have ministered across the Country together at camps, crusades, churches, revivals and retreats. [...]

"Good Friday"

Today, is the day that Christians world-wide remember Christ crucified on Calvary's cruel cross. So many nuggets are in Scripture, I love how the Lord used a virgin womb with Mother Mary and a virgin tomb of Joseph of Arimathea to be the bookends of history. Yes, it has been said: "History is really HIS [...]

"The Sweet Spot"

The "sweet spot" can mean many things to many people. For some, it may be a choice spot on the beach to drop your blanket for some fun in the sun. For others, it could be the bottom portion of your iced-tea filled with sugar and it really gets good towards the end. [...]

The Blind Side

Yes, Sandra Bullock won the ACADEMY AWARD for Best Female Actress this weekend for the inspirational movie "The Blind Side." I saw the movie three times and enjoyed thrice as nice. However, this post will not be about the Hollywood hit or modern day cinema classic. Special props go out to my collge friend and [...]

Jesus & me

Yul Brenner played the lead in the Broadway play - "The King & I." God has been way too good to me. I wasn't sure what to title today's post but I have always said our testimony is more important than titles. The only "title" we really need is REDEEMED. Therefore, I hope to [...]

Thanks from Frank – "38 Special"

Friends, this is a brief blog to thank everyone for the birthday wishes. My 38th was Saturday, February 20, and it was a JOY to spend it at home with my family and it truly, resembled "38 SPECIAL!" Over 450 friends on FACEBOOK took the time to write on my wall or email [...]

Don't Miss the Boat

Sometimes life doesn't go as planned. My wife, Ruth and I, were excited for six months to minister with ALL CHRSTIAN CRUISES to Nassau, Bahamas over the Valentine's Weekend for their Singles Cruise. Unfortunately, Washington DC received not one but TWO blizzards in less than a week. No, I'm not talking about DAIRY QUEEN [...]

NFL – "Not For Long"

This is the first time in three consecutive years that I was able to enjoy the SUPER BOWL at home. As an evangelist, it is a privilege to criss-cross the Country but it does come with some personal sacrifice. While preaching and catching planes I literally missed both games the last two years [...]

Andrew Lincoln Shelton

One year and one week ago today, God answered a private prayer of mine and blessed me beyond measure with the birth of our son, Andrew. Some of you may know but during the darkest days of my life many questioned if I would ever see the day to have another baby much less [...]


Travelling is not only part of my job but one of my greatest JOYS! My life resembles PLANES, TRAINS & AUTOMOBILES (literally). Travelling is not always glamorous but it is indeed God's grace that I get to roll (much less FLY). When I worked on Capitol Hill, one of the highlights for me was flying [...]

The Sicko in the Sycamore

Initially, I considered naming this post GOING OUT ON A LIMB for the LORD or BRANCHING OUT in 2010. Either way, it reminds us all what happens when we reach out to Jesus. Desperate men must take drastic measures to get to God. Yes, prayer is a whisper away but obedience outstretched to [...]