BACK TO OUR ALREADY SCHEDULED BLOG. Sorry for the delay but since returning from Dallas, TX and preaching over a dozen times in past two weeks I was hit with bronchitis and walking pnemonia not once but TWICE (and still under the weather as I write). On Wed, April 13, 2011 we just finished a five service, four day revival in Mechanicsville, VA at Anchor Baptist Church and God showed up! Dr Bailey Smith, former SBC President said: “Its not that revivals don’t work – its that people aren’t willing to work to see it happen.” We had a time and many folks were set free.  PRAISE THE LORD! That country church consisted of some of the sweetest saints I will ever come across. God bless ABC and Pastor Ken Card and his beautiful family. They resemble Air Force One FIRST CLASS!

However, I must admit I had to hit the doctors office for more antibiotics while out of town and still preached while running on empty. Praise God for the two precious sisters in the Lord who demanded I go to the doctors.  A HUGE thank you to my wife, parents and your prayers who have stood in the gap for us. Some of you know I don’t have health insurance since stepping out in faith in 2007, from my Capitol Hill job and being sick opens up another can of worms while sharing the Word to the world. The past two months especially, I’ve been hit spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially really hard. Truly, when we are weak – HE IS STRONG.

This is part two of the NATIONAL TREASURES post. God gave me this message years ago and it was brewing in me like a spiritual Starbucks and it’s HOT off the press and ready to be poured out into your saucer for you to sip on and savor for awhile. This is not a rant or rebuke but a review for us to consider in the future. The first post on “National Treasures” talked about mentors and now I would like to talk about monuments.

In my best online Andy Rooney (60 Minutes) impression: “Have you ever noticed that too often we only frequent and tour some of our world’s most prized possessions and destinations (located in our backyard) when family or friends from out of town come to visit?”  Why is that??

Regardless of where you live – within a short day drive one can discover or re-discover some of our nation’s most beloved tourist attractions. In Washington, D.C. you can take a tour inside the dome of our democracy (U.S. Capitol) and see Congress in session. One can even take a West Wing tour of the White House, stroll down the National Mall and view the Cherry Blossoms, stare at the base of the 555 foot tall Washington Monument, take a picture of Lincoln perched in his chair in history overlooking the reflecting pool or stare at stars inside the Smithsonian’s Air & Space Museum.

In Pennsylvania, you can run up the stairs like “ROCKY” or walk less than five blocks and view the Liberty Bell or eat a cheese-steak that will melt in your mouth while making your toes curl! A couple hours away, you can hear echoes of history on the war torn battlefield at Gettysburg, go north and see the Statue of Liberty in New York, take a tour in Times Square on top of the Empire State Building (talk about a birds eye view) and from there hit the raging Niagra Falls.

About 15 years ago, I was at the gates of Graceland in Memphis, TN and a woman in her late sixties said as she walked by on the sidewalk of Elvis Presley Blvd and broadcasted loud enough intentionally so the tourists and fans could hear: “Elvis Presley, he ain’t no big deal! That is just Gladys and Vernon’s kid!” Apparently she lived down the street but for some they cannot appreciate the gifts of others without feeling threatened.

FACT: For my Floridian friends they may see the Mouse (Mickey) only when relatives show up at their house!  No, I am not endorsing Disney and yes, life can be costly but what is more expensive is missing out on not institutions but the God given gifts of individuals.

Regardless of your profession – business, politics, music, etc I have noticed a trend. Some suggest that an “expert” is  someone from out of town to tell the troops locally what they lack. At times, it is true but too often I have seen countless times in various venues they we pay more money to bring in a “professional” and overlook or negate the wealth of individuals in our own backyard.  Decision makers will cry that they have no budget or money and yet more often than not will pay to fly someone from out of town, pay for a hotel, offer a rental car and a handsome amount of money (they swear they don’t have) to bring in someone who may be no more qualified, talented or anointed than the individual around the corner.

Years ago, I remember God leading me to give back to my community and I asked a contact person in charge of hosting an event and scheduling speakers. God has blessed me to speak at civic and church events and I will not elaborate because it is irrevelant of what I am implying in this instance but the message is worth catching. God laid on my heart to tell them that I would be honored to be part of their program that would transpire in six months. They said: “We cannot afford anymore speakers.” I smiled and said: “I never mentioned money.” I shared: “God told me to waive a fee and be a blessing to your group and give back. I am not expecting nor asking to be the keynote speaker but would love to be a presenter at your program.” I had done my homework and I asked who the previous three speakers were? They told me (I already knew the answer) and I showed them my cell phone and ironically, I had all three contacts in my phone (both cell and home numbers). I was not only friends with the speakers they booked in past but blessed to speak at various events with them across the Country.

I asked if I could speak for FREE and they said “yes.” However, when the program rolled around I then learned that I was not on the program. It did kinda of sting especially when you were doing what God told you to do and trying to be a blessing. God politely reminded me then that my worth is in Him and He is my booking agent now. Plus, sometimes you have to endure temporal setbacks before you can handle eternal success. Right or wrong, sometimes your proximity of being too close may hinder some from appreciating your gift or value. Others may think they cannot afford you and in the words of one brother: “Sadly, some want you to do well but not better than themselves.” We live no smaller in life when we fail to exalt Christ and allow others to shine for God’s glory. 

A seasoned preacher told me years ago: “Frank, unless you get booked to speak outside of your state you will never amount to much for God as an evangelist.” Read that again and forget it as fast as you can. That was one of the most un-Christlike  counsel I have ever received. Yes, some are called to be world-changers and even globe-trotters but it doesn’t mean that what is done in our own backyard (much less front yard) is any less than anywhere else. We cannot be a blessing abroad if we don’t believe home is important. You cannot extend forward in love if you are not giving back or investing now at home. Jesus was perfect and most of His ministry was within a 30 mile radius and He changed the world! By God’s grace I have preached in several states and a couple countries but minisry is WHEREVER you go and where you are at in the present. Plus, all I wanted to do was touch my corner of the world and let God use me whenever, wherever and with whomever.

Yes, it is true IT IS NOT ABOUT US and all about God. This post comes from a soul that is now BETTER not a heart that’s bitter. Perhaps you can relate or may encounter this down the road. This blog is to remind all that God LOVES you and we are not alone with Jesus.

Some of the national tourist attractions I mentioned today cost money and others are FREE. Either way, I resolved long ago to live a helper than die a hater. We must CELEBRATE not tolerate the talents of others. Keep in mind that God has strategically placed some very talented people in our midst. Some live next door and others you may have to plan a vacation around to see them firsthand. We need to do more than “give peace a chance” but God and others an opportunity too.

May we all be mindful that if we are going to bloom where God planted us we can extract a harvest out of the fields nearby where we reside. It is imperative to tap into the talent around us and many are just as eager to serve, dedicated to the task at hand and are team players with a wealth of wisdom. Keep in mind that some national treasures are beautiful, brick buildings but others are blood bought believers as kids of The King! Mentors and members of your community are MONUMENTAL and may we glean from them more NOT less. It is one thing to live by a national treasure and never frequent it but TEN TIMES worse when we negate or neglect others. Why? Institutions don’t have feelings but individuals do.