All three are decent examples of the “sweet spot” but I have found a sweeter spot. I will take it two more levels. One is a blessing and the other a burden but both are BEAUTIFUL! Another spot for me is on the couch, in the arms or next to my wife, Ruth. This is both safe and SWEET for me. Without question, I love to roll and be on the road but nothing beats sitting at home with my wife and family. As Max Lucado said: “Nothing like the coffee out of your own mug, or sitting on your own sofa or sleeping in your own bed.”
But despite these different definitions of the “sweet spot” I have become painfully but peacefully aware of the “sweetest spot.” Without a doubt, if asked on FAMILY FEUD it may not be the “number one” answer because not all have experienced it but those that have would agree it is being SMACK in the center of God’s Will. The will of God is not always easy either. As we enter into Easter Week, the road to Calvary’s cruel cross was not easy. However, the Lord embraced it, encountered, endured it, was executed on it but I will go out on a limb here and say He ENJOYED it. I will say it again, God got to the point that He enjoyed (not just endured the cross). It was painful yes, but its a PRIVILEGE to be in the Will and work of God.
Too many Christians today, are “enduring Christianity” but not enjoying Jesus. Props to one of my heroes of the faith, TONY NOLAN for making his group page of his ministry on FACEBOOK about ENJOYING JESUS! As Christ was suspended between Heaven and Earth, dangling from a tree, crucified between two theives, despite the blood, sweat and tears He found SERENITY. Yes, salvation was purchased by His blood and we could receive it “by faith” but as peace was bequeathed to us it was evident on Him as Jesus died. Some see the cross as “gory” but I see it as GLORY!
One of my dear friends and fellow minister of the Gospel was going through hell one time. He got word that his marriage was over, the family was torn in half and his kids would be moving clear across the Country with his wife who caused the affair. To make matters worse, the judge gave her complete custody despite not hearing all the facts. However, despite the drama, intense pain and emotional turmoil that no one person should endure; it was obvious that an amazing peace permeated his countenance. He was going through “hell” not because he was wrong but a result of another’s indescretions. As long as I live, that brother in Christ and fellow minister of the Gospel glowed for God like no one I have met before or since. Despite his wife being wrong, he was still in the will of God (sweet spot).
Some folks will make you feel as if “you are out of God’s will” because it is hard or times get tough. Friends, the cross of Christ couldn’t have been any harder but Jesus found that “sweet spot” and enjoyed our Paradise while encountering His pain. The sweet spot resembles God’s great grace and only those can comprehend it when it rains down on you like Niagra Falls and it never comes a moment too soon or a second too late. Yes, the adage is true: “God is never in a hurry but always on time.” Satan, the accuser of the brethren will make you feel “second rate” when the storms come. However, the Lord endured the tension of ten tornado’s with the temptations of Satan and while slain for our sins not because He was wrong or weird but in the WILL of God.
Just as a baseball bounces off the bat of a perfectly timed connection and screams to heights faster than a Ferrari without a red light; so it is true, when we are aligned to the agenda of Almighty God that we encounter and enjoy the “sweet spot” of our Savior. May we look to connect with Christ more often in our daily routines because why bat average with our one life at bat when we can soar with the Savior, live LARGE with the Lord, roll and rule with the Redeemer and help others find “home” en route to Heaven.
In closing, I would rather be in a warzone in the will of God than Waikiki (Hawaii) outside of God’s will (sweet spot). The only thing worse than religion is rebellion. Religion fools us to think we are making progress with God but rebellion outside of a relationship with Jesus is empty, exhausting and evicts us from peace and our purpose. We will never find Paradise without a real, relationship with the Redeemer (JESUS). As kids of the king, we also miss out on the sweet spot when we disobey and rebel against what God has us to do. We will never be on all cylinders when we are not connecting to the commandments of Christ.
Down south, we love sweet-tea! The Lord loves sweet tea too. Why? Because the Trinity (T) is sweet. We find solace, salvation, security, stamina, safety and even a “sweetness” while suffering when you are aligned with the will of our Lord. I love that hymn: “Tis so SWEET to trust in Jesus, just to TRUST Him at His Word.” The sweet spot may include some turbulent times but the sweetest place is always at the feet of Jesus both here and our Heavenly Home. Jesus is the Messiah, He has entrusted us with a Message and we will only make music when we are in His Will. Rest assured, the will of God is “The Sweet Spot.”
What a JOY to finally meet you to Frank! I could have listened to you all day!!
I will be working to bring you back to this area (West Virginia) real soon and the other church wants to bring you up to PA for their annual YOUTH EVENT.
One of the men at the meeting this morning said he wants to bring you back he had just came to volunteer for the upcoming event in June. He said PLEASE let me know when he is close again.
Mike, I am with you I can`t wait either..”
Another great post my friend! I dont know anyone that parlays the sacred and secular as good as you. Love how you take the common and point them to Biblical Truth. I don’t think I will ever think of a baseball bat the same but will certainly remember that serving Jesus is “the sweetest place on Earth.” Thought you would like that LOL Keep them coming! I love reading your words of wisdom. You rock!!
Mr Shelton, I told my husband that you are the most captivating speaker I have ever heard. Even before you were introduced on stage to speak, I could just tell you had an amazing gift by the way you interacted with everyone before you were introduced. When you spoke it was as if time stood still and I don’t recall ever hearing anyone preach with such power but remain so humble and personable. When you were rolling half way into your sermon I thought you could have moved cinder blocks the way God was all over you.
God truly has His hand on your life and I wish every church and civic group in America could hear you preach. It was as if you dissapeared and all we saw was Jesus!Thanks for blessing us but God has certainly blessed you “for a time such as this.” You and your family will remain in our prayers. Thanks for obeying the call and as you eloquently said willing “to go wherever, whenever to whomever.”
Great blog post Frank! We’re looking forward to you preaching our revival in May at Fort Walton Beach, FL. You and Tony Nolan both “are flying with wings and feathers – Psalms 91:4. )”
Frank, so looking forward to hearing you preach at SIX FLAGS AMERICA on June 19th at Faith day with Jeremy Camp!I love me some Jeremy Camp and cannot wait to hear you in person!
I check out your Facebook posts almost daily. Love how God speaks through you. Love you brother in Christ!
Frank rocks!