Last month, marked the one year anniversary for this blog and I thank God for this forum to share what He continues to do in our midst. To God be the Glory, great things He hath done and I am grateful to each of you who take time to stop by and share what Jesus means to you.
May is wild and we are booked to preach 24 times in 30 days while speaking in SIX states! We thank God for open doors and we desire to be a blessing (more than stay busy). God is our provider and we thank Him for the privilege to minister. Please pray for all of our pastors, youth ministers, missionaries, musicians, especially evangelists and other faith based ministries. These are unique times and many are having a hard time staying on the road and providing for their families. In the future, I am going to dedicate a blog post to dear friends in ministry who would be a great addition or blessing to your church and perhaps you will prayerfully consider bringing them in the near future. Ministry is a team effort and we are all better when we promote others.
On Saturday night, I had the privilege to speak to 1,300 at WWGB Radio Annual Awards Gala in Alexandria, VA and it was wonderful. On Sunday morning, it was my pleasure to preach at Grace Brethren Church of Clinton, MD for my dear friend, Pastor Irv Clark as he was away speaking at a men’s retreat and then on Monday evening, Ruth and I, left for Philadelphia, PA for three days and we just returned home this morning. During the trip home God reminded me of this incident that happened to me over two decades ago when I was a salesman for the now defunct “BRITCHES GREAT OUTDOORS” at the St. Charles Towne Center of my hometown Waldorf, MD.
In 1991-1992, I was employed with “Britches” and they had the best rugby shirts around. Sales always came easy to me (not because I enjoy selling things) but probably because people are part of the process. Math scares me, science confuses me, grammar still escapes me but sales came pretty easy to me. Working only 15-20 hours per week at the mall while a student taking a full load at the local community college I loved working at Britches. They had great clothes, cool people and the commute was close to my house.
My manager informed me that sales were in her terms “through the roof” when I was on the floor working. She also said when I wasn’t working sales were down. Apparently, customers or clients would come in and ask for me by name and if I wasn’t working they would leave promptly (without buying anything). This made some of my fellow colleagues mad because they wanted to cash in on customers that I had the privilege to serve in the past.
One reason I believe that “success” was possible is because I prayed for my future customers. I prayed for their well-being, their lives, their needs (even before meeting them). Secondly, when they did come in I didn’t treat them as customers but long, lost friends. Honestly, I felt like I already knew them because I had been praying for them long before they came! Third, I smiled initially and then served them continually as if they were the only ones in the store; even at the expense of losing folks (or sales). The irony is customers waited in line for me because of the way I served them, waited on them and befriended them. Yes, the world needs love. Sadly, customer and constituent service is almost a thing of the past. However, the “greats are still gracious” and the best still serve.
The store manager announced that I was number 11 in the Nation regarding sales for “Britches Great Outdoors” while working only 1/3 the hours of those doing it fulltime and over-time. God’s grace was the number one factor and customer service played a small part. What I noticed is that “desperate people do desperate things” and when folks were not selling they were tempted to use tricks to make up for it. This is not an indictment against one retailer but Madison Avenue has been using ploys, games and gimmicks far longer than my tenure at a local mall.
After the New Year, the rush to buy rugby’s had died down. Yes, the clothes were still popular but most folks had spent their money shopping for Christmas the month before. Most of our shirts, shorts and sweaters were nice – actually REAL NICE! The renown Rugby came in multiple colors and was a classic for years. However, we had this one shirt that we couldn’t give away much less charge $49 for nearly 20 years ago! It was one of the few shirts that we all agreed was horrible looking and no one would buy it (much less steal it). It was the “joke of the store” and the inside joke among staff. They teased that even I couldn’t sell it 🙂 The fact is I wouldn’t sell something that I didn’t believe in. Perhaps, that is another reason for some success in sales.
One of my colleagues had the sly idea of placing those tragic looking shirts in the front window on the mannequins! It is true, “you can learn alot from a Dummy!” This is where we get the title: “THE SWITCHEROO.” Within an hour, customers came rushing in to buy the rugby that a day before we couldn’t sell if our job depended on it. What was the difference? Someone suggested that this is “IT” item and the must have thing (after all, it was displayed front and center with a light beaming down on it). The staff rang them up trying to hold back tears of laughter while thinking “I cannot believe you are actually buying this thing!” Honestly, I was the only one not laughing and I couldn’t help but think that Satan and society for far too long have done a similar trick to countless customers.
The devil promotes the “Genuine Article” only to leave you with a cubic zirconia. He promises “love” and distributes lust. We long for grace but He gives greed and grief. He displays the penthouse but delivers the eviction notice. He points to fame but hands you broken dreams, hurt feelings and a life void of faith in God. He parades intimacy on a pedastal only to distribute STD’s and loneliness. Sadly, society went for the “sure thing” and missed the most important thing – a relationship with Jesus. The irony is we couldn’t give it away but we paid full price for it – hook, line and sinker. God grants grace “by faith” for FREE but with Satan we buy not only his lies but pay for something we really cannot afford.
It is true, “Sin will take you farther than you want to go, Cost you more than you want to pay, and keep you longer than you want to stay.” I am not advocating that rugby’s are dangerous much less damning but what is so sad is when we follow society standards and Satan’s schemes more than the Savior’s safe supply. Satan is so slick and sick that he promises promotion and peace for jumping in feet first in a pit only to mock you while standing over you for being stupid enough to jump. I am not talking about a mountain of debt but a pile of regrets.
The next time you are tempted to buy the lie (yes, lies are costly) regardless, if it is in a destructive relationship, ungodly business practice, a car that you cannot afford to impress people at a red light that you will never meet or a “shirt” that doesn’t fit you than pause long enough to recall is this purchase going to glorify God or am I just another casualty in Satan’s SWITCHeroo. Don’t be a dummy but honor God in our daily decisions. Why be a mannequin when you can be a man or woman standing up not selling out.
So true. I recall when my mother and I would come to Britches and were discouraged that you were not working. I believe mom bought several pairs of their shoes for us because you were so nice. Great to hear you’re doing well. God bless you my friend
Frank, great post! Yesterday, I had some time while waiting for a ministry meeting to begin, so I decided to check out your site. I ended up reading all 3 parts of your “Dreams” series and I watched your Atlanta Live video. Great work!
God really met me exactly where I was with exactly what I needed to hear. I have spent years on the same path with God- the exact same vision since preschool. It has been an amazing journey of faith-stretching, growing, preparation, trials, victories, valleys, enemy attacks, putting the vision on a shelf for seasons, etc. You know how faith journeys go…
But recently, I had reached a point of seeming to have hit every obstacle in the book- lack of funding for some projects that were strongly on my heart and some unexpected resistance from loved ones who seem unwilling to “let me out of their box”. It just seemed like one brick wall after another.
Spiritually I was throwing up my hands and saying, “God, this is totally impossible for me to go any further the way things are…I’m boxed in. I can’t budge!!! If anything is going to move forward, it’s going to have to be You doing some miracles!”
LOL- isn’t that exactly where God wants us to be all the time??!!- that point pf total surrender and dependence on Him… 🙂
When I read your blog posts, I heard things I already knew but in a different way and at the exact time that I needed to hear it. It seemed to clear the air for me to begin seeing with my faith eyes again. My faith is refreshed.
Thank you for laboring over those posts. I know many have been blessed in the same way by them. I’ll keep my radar on for opportunities in this area for you to minister. Where are you going to be speaking in Florida? Anywhere near the Orlando area? If so and if they are open events, I’d love to see you speak and meet you and your family as well.
God bless
God bless you and thanks for being a blessing to so many.
Frank, I finally read your book “FINAL APPROACH -Career vs Calling” last night. I couldn’t sleep at all that night. I totally did not expect to read that after all you went through.
Myself being a Christian since I can remember would have recited that prayer right along with you again. What a miracle your life is. The Lord was not done with you yet. What callings and a destiny He has on your life. You are doing exactly what He made you
Frank, to see you on fire for God years ago,and to see your love for Him has not abated in this present time,is extremely encouraging.As you know,I spent many years ministering thru music and many years playing both Christian and secular music professionally.
After 30 years playing music and 22 years reading the Bible,I know that without love, we are nothing.Thank you for your commitment to God’s Kingdom-I am in awe of all He
does thru you brother-we must get together and minister thru our 2fold Gospel attack-the Word and God’s language of the heart-music :)-luv u brother
This was a great blog! I had forgotten that you worked at Britches until I read this, although I had remembered the Christian Book Store job you had. I believe that the Lord truly does inspire you with words and stories to share for His glory and for that I am very thankful to God.
Love you always,
Frankie! What a great post! You are so correct. Satan uses the “bait and switch” in so many things, the way we work, the way we rest, relationships, everything! I have found that the ONLY way to stay out of that trap is to stay in the word and in prayer. This keeps me in tune with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit! Then Satan’s nasty servants can’t whisper in your ear the lies that seem so true! We always have a choice, The Spirit shows us the right one and gives us the strength to make it.
You are also right about people being drawn to you Frankie. You show Christ’s love to others through the way that you relate to them. Other’s are drawn to Christ through you Frankie. I hope I can follow your example! Love you my Brother in Christ!
Thank you Frank for your daily encoragement on Facebook and weekly words of wisdom on this blog!! May the Lord continue to bless you, your family and your ministry!!! 🙂
Once again, you saved the day with your new blog post, no kidding, thanks, Im
going to re read…you are wonderful, Frank!!! 😉
PS – HA HA – “Why be a manequen,,,that’s GOOD!” Love the piks
Mr Shelton, we are excited and honored to have you address the Association of Christian Educators at the Washington DC Convention Center on November 22-23, 2010.
We will be back in touch in the near future but thanks for accepting our invitation. God bless you and your ministry.