Andrew Shelton w/ TONY NOLAN hair cut :)

Andrew Shelton w/ TONY NOLAN hair cut 🙂

One year and one week ago today, God answered a private prayer of mine and blessed me beyond measure with the birth of our son, Andrew. Some of you may know but during the darkest days of my life many questioned if I would ever see the day to have another baby much less a boy. Even in my book, “FINAL APPROACH: Career VS Calling?” I mentioned what a JOY it would be to have a son.

For years, I loved the name Andrew and considered naming a boy if blessed to have one after that name. I also liked the sound of Andrew Graham. Every single time, Andrew is mentioned in Scripture he literally was bringing someone to Jesus. Quite a compliment! Plus, it is no secret that my hero on Earth (outside of my Dad) is Evangelist Billy Graham. It has been said you should give a child a name they can GROW into so I knew Hitler or Judas was out.

Ironically, I was born on President’s Day Weekend, February 20, 1972 and when God graced Ruth and I, with Andrew who was born on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2009, we just knew we had to go to one of our family favorites and name him after Abraham Lincoln. As President Obama was being “sworn in” Baby Andrew was coming out. Talk about “getting out the vote.” 🙂

Andrew has taught me so much the past year and his sister, Hannah Grace has been a big help with him. She will turn ten on April 30! Children have a way of reminding us what is most important and Jesus was right when He said: “Let the children come unto Me.” Here are just a few quick lessons my son has taught me that apply to Life, Leadership, Love and Living for the Lord.

1) SIGHT – For starters, Andrew SEES the smallest things. The most important things in life are NOT things! Regardless, if it is a torn piece of carpet, or a bug under the bed; he stops, stoops and stares at his new favorite friend. He reminds me of God because the things that matter least to us mean the most to Him.

2) SIMPLICITY – Everyone kept saying it would be so special for Andrew’s first Christmas but this year he didn’t even tear open the wrapping paper. He was content playing with his old toys (that won’t last long). Hannah typed out a 14 page list this year and even told me where the sales were online. Amazing! We bought him a couple nice toys and he was happy playing with the most unusual objects. Linus has a “security blanket” but Andrew loves the drain plug from the shower and he carries it wherever he goes.

3) STEADFAST – Andrew is learning to walk and I have come to the conclusion that babies begin to walk when they grow tired of falling down. Perseverance could be my middle name and what I admire about Andrew is that when he has his mind on something he is faithful and focused. He could fall down 203 times but make no mistake he is determined to get up en route to growing UP! He sees obstacles as opportunities! We could all learn from a child’s curiousity, creativity and CAN DO attitude.

4) SWEET – Babies are sure sweet and Andrew is no exception. When a child smiles it not only melts your heart but makes some of life’s problems seem small. When Andrew smiles I think of God’s grace and that miracles still happen. Andrew is unassuming and he waives to folks regardless of race, social status and gender. His JOY brings happiness and hope to those who may be hurting and I have witnessed that he has a special bond with not only other children but senior citizens. Older folks not only resemble babies in the “circle of life” but relate to them in a most special way.

5) STRESS? The reason, I put a queston mark next to the word is because in Andrew’s world he has no stress. If he could talk he would say WHAT STRESS? The only thing he has to worry about is that someone will either give him a bottle or wipe his bottom. He has it made in the shade drinking baby lemonade (look out Ed Young, Jr). Plus, he knows that he can trust his parents (don’t tell him but honestly sometimes I don’t trust me). He knows his Mom & Dad will provide and if he can trust us than I need to trust God more. Some worry about a “checkered” past while others fear about their future pondering their next move as if it were a game of chess but Andrew is like a sports star “in the zone.” He lives in the moment and may we all do the same.

6) SHORTCOMINGS – All of us as adults and adolescents have our shortcomings. God has convicted my heart by being a parent to our two children and I appreciate God’s unconditional love to us as “kids of the King.” Watching Andrew walk is something to behold and I do it with bated breath. One area that he struggles with is he loves to hold on to objects in his hands as he attempts to walk. This not only hinders his balance but blocks him from holding on to something for support. In love, I have tried to gently free his hands from the trinkets in his hands that he thinks he “needs” so he can move more freely. The moment he lets go of the “trinkets” in his grasp he can enjoy the treasure of walking without hinderance or hesitation. Even as adults we need to learn the art of “letting go” in order for God to have His Way in our lives. It has been said: “Relationships are like milk. They are great in season but after the expiration date can hurt you.”

Andrew (wearing daddy's baby shirt)

Andrew (wearing daddy's baby shirt)

Ironically, the President will give his “State of the Union” tonight and may we (regardless of political party) pause and take an inventory of the state of the union in our life pertaining to God, others in self. Perhaps we need to SEE what matters most and not stare at trivial things that in eternity will have no value. May we SIMPLIFY and extract things that clutter our lives and cloud our walk with Christ. May we be STEADFAST and be both prayerful and productive in what God has called us to do. Promotion comes after perseverance even in the dictionary. We need to press in to Jesus and press on for God’s Glory. We strain when we are STRESSED. One great way to eliminate that is when we worry more is when many worship less. WRONG! We need to worship in the midst of our worries and our problems decrease when our praise increase. Lastly, may we be wise enough to see the shortcomings in our life and humble enough to ask for forgiveness from God and remain accountable to others. Then and only then, will we be running on all cylinders when we as adults remember the lessons of Heaven enveloped in babies on Earth. May our “state of the union” be strong not just in political rhetoric but a personal reality.

THANK GOD for babies and thank God for Ruth, Hannah and Baby Andrew. Like that Ronnie Milsap classic: “What A Difference You Made in my Life.”