JESUS & JAMAICA! What a combination!! The fact is, God loves the world so much that in the wise words of Max Lucado: “Jesus would rather die than live without you.” It has been my privilege to be part of all three of Praisefest Ministries – “Cruise with a Cause” to the Bahamas (2006-2008). Dr Matthew Dunaway is a selfless servant and his heart is to reach the world for the Lord. His team is AMAZING and anointed. Together, we witnessed over 15,000 come to a personal faith in Jesus on the first three cruises. ROUND IV is here and I have been invited to go with them to Jamaica (May 2011) to help reach the lost with the matchless Message of my Messiah. Jesus is not a way to Heaven but The only Way (John 14:6).
For the past three years, I have been blessed to serve on Advisory Board of Praisefest Ministries and this will be the biggest one yet. Join Ruth and I, as we (with God’s help) take 3,000 people on a Carnival cruise for six days departing Miami, FL on May 30, 2011 – June 4, 2011. For two days we will canvas all of Jamaica and we have been invited to enter 200 public schools and preach the Gospel to 133,600 students. Plus, enter the prisons and help set the captives FREE! That evening, we will be hosting a Billy Graham style crusade at a soccer stadium and conservative numbers already predict some 65,000 to hear the Gospel. Watch video to see some of the ministers/musicians coming including: Dr Johnny Hunt, Pastor Jentezen Franklin, Josh McDowell, Hezekiah Walker, Pastor John Hagee, Donnie McClurkin, Vicki Yohe, Anthony Evans, Dr Ergun Caner, SONICFLOOd, Casting Crowns, John Gray, Martha Minuzzi, Jason Crabb, Martin Houston, Crabb Family, Bishop Paul S Morton, Nikita Koloff, Scott Newton Smith, Patrick Dopson, Ayiesha Woods, NEWSONG, Shelley Hendrix, Bryan Taunton, Upperdeck & many others!
Its less than one year away and Trinity Broadcast Network is coming to film the cruise/crusade and air on world-wide television. The retention rate for folks worshipping in a local Bible believing church since making decisions at past crusades are over 60%. That is pretty amazing and our goal is to make disciples out of those decisions; however, one cannot become a disciple until they at least made a decision (commitment) to Christ. This outreach is ideal for everyone! Perfect for adults, singles, students, couples, church groups, youth missions trip and its part vacation and full mission trip!
If you are a pastor or church leader contact me for more details how you can get 20% off as a “Friend of Frank” or if you are an INDIE ARTIST or evangelist/speaker and would like the chance to share your God given gift for his Glory contact me at to learn more info. We don’t get any residual income for bringing folks on this ship – its just the right thing to do. Josh McDowell and I, have been both blessed to preach on all four of the Praisefest Cruises and this is already considered the largest mission event of its kind in history. Help us make history be sharing HIS STORY as we share JESUS with Jamaica!
God is coming back sooner rather than later and time is running out. Don’t Miss The Boat and regardless if you want to be part of a great vacation or participate in the mission this is one cruise you will never forget. Visit and when calling INSPIRATION CRUISE tell them you are with “Frank & Friends” to get your discounted cabin. Don’t delay, PRAY about coming Today.
I am offsite today doing training, but when I called for my messages they said you had called. Forgive me for not calling YOU sooner. I have had nothing except amazing feedback and I am still motivated from your visit last week. Your book is amazing…thank you for sharing your wonderful story. I have already contacted my school about having you visit and spoke to some of my co-workers about possibly using you in the future for larger scale United Way events. Have a great day and I will be in touch soon!
Lisa H
Director of Initiatives
United Way of Calvert County
Its gonna rock!
Count me in!!! I want to go!
I’m trying my best to make it!!!!!!!!
mmm…wish I could go!
I copied this to my page and planning to come along, already asked a few friends as well ….. ALL PRAY FOR THE FINANCES FOR ME
Have a blessed trip my Bro. I wish we could go along. I will pray for a great out pouring. Love,
Yay…we have 20 ppl!!!!! I can’t wait ♥
you brothers are on target!
Thanks Frank. I get excited seeing what God is doing in your life and ministry.
Many times our heroes are on t.v. or superficial, but to personally witness this
anointing man blesses me. Whether reading your blog, text, or status I’m blessed
everytime, and just want to let you know I thank God for you.
Frank, I love what you wrote recently:”I preach often as if it were my first but knowing it could be my last. To GOD BE THE GLORY – great things HE HATH DONE. Come Lord Jesus.”
Man, I like that saying! Happy Father’s Day to ya!
Frank, this is Alex DiMatteo. We met at C.O.S.B.E. last weekend in FL. I’m the one serving up in New York. I just checked out some of your website links and Youtube. Wow! You’re bigger than the Beatles. I am proud to know you.
I just got time to unwind today. I got back from Orlando and hit the ground running. Our Church plant kicked off two days ago and I had the blessed honor to preach. Two people gave their lives to Christ that Sunday morning. The mission teams that help with the Church kickoff just left and now I am debriefing on all that I learned at the conference.
I really appreciate the time you invested in me at the conference. It meant a lot and I learned a lot. I am forever grateful.
Your Friend,
Alex DiMatteo