So I buy her candy and we get in the car, put on our seatbelts, I start the car, throw it in drive, look to my left and right to proceed with caution and as we head out on the highway I reach back and say: “Hannah, give me some of your candy.” Without missing a beat she replied: “No! They’re mine.” What is wrong with this picture? The irony is I paid for it and had I not granted them to her she wouldn’t have anything to eat much less withold from me. Wow! I am not trying to call out my daughter online because God immediately spoke to my heart and said: “Frank, (God never calls me evangelist or pastor) at times you have done the very same thing and multiplied millions of people do it to Me daily.” How? Everything we have is from God’s Hand but we either accidentally, intentionally or rebelliously don’t give God what is rightfully His.
Did you know one can rob God? We do, when we fail to be obedient in our tithes and offerings. The Bible demands the first fruits of our wages and the tithe is 10%. Its not that God needs the money but we need His blessing. When we leave God out of the equation we must depend entirely on ourselves (and that is never good). Over the years, I have learned a couple things. For starters, it is true – you cannot outgive God. Secondly, it makes no mathematical sense but 90% goes further than 100%. Third, “obedience is better than sacrifice.” We can teach Sunday School, drive a bus route for God, mow our neighbor’s yard, read the Bible daily and the list is endless but if we fail at honoring God with the tithe we are in that very moment disobedient to God.
Speaking across the Country, I have dined at my share of restaurants on the road and had one or two conversations with waiters and waitresses. Perhaps this is one reason I was living LARGE! Not talking prosperity but potbelly!! The day I graduated from high school I was 6″1 and 156 lbs. 20 years later, I had gained nearly 100 lbs and no I wasn’t trying out for the NFL. Since New Year’s, I dropped 26 lbs but still got a long way to go. Dining out on the road doesn’t make me an “expert” but I know what God expects of me in interacting with others. This may shock some but I have heard the horror stories of how some people “tip” the waitress. It is customary to give 15% when dining out (yes, I know the economy is tough but I sincerely believe if you cannot afford to tip then perhaps you should either eat at home or hit a drive in at another restaurant). Sadly, waiters and waitresses have told me that the two groups that they despise to wait on the most are Christians and clergy. This is not an indictment on this group but perhaps if the shoe fits wear it. This should serve as a reminder that every aspect of our lives can have eternal consequences if we are not focused and faithful. Several went as far to note that some individuals were either so rude during the meal or just down right disrespectful by their tip. One waitress at a Cracker Barell in Pennsylvania told me that a few acted like she was the fortunate one to wait on them! Wow, what’s worse is that some never even left a tip 🙁
Friends, I know firsthand that times are tough but this post is talking more than being cash-less but class-less and acting Christ-less. Wow, that will preach! I am going to go out on a limb but too many of us treat God the same way. How? First, Jesus said: “If you did it to the least of these my brethren (and waitresses) you did it unto Him.” Fairly simple: You bless others -you bless God. You hurt others – you hurt Christ. Some think we are cute or committed by leaving a “tip” for God but He demands the tithe.
When I travel, I do my best to treat the doorman, janitor, secretary and waitress with even more kindness. Elvis Presley when asked: “Why do you leave the mayor and politicians to go say hi to the janitor?” He replied: “Man, the “big guys” don’t need me but the little ones do.” The fact is everyone needs love but not everyone displays class in public and private on behalf of Christ. Over the years, I intentionally try to make eye contact with the servants. For one, in God’s economy “the greatest among you are the servants.” Secondly, some have entertained angels unaware. Plus, I try to emulate Christ and remember “the greats are gracious.” My pastor, Rev. Marvin Harris has led by example over the years and he would intentionally be courteous, love on the waiter or waitress, take an interest in them and then invest in them with a very generous tip. We both have been known to almost tip as much as our meal at times. Not because we have “deep pockets” but a deep desire to point them to Christ.
The tract that resembles a $100 is cute, catchy and clever but can hurt a single mother with four kids working three jobs trying to make ends meet if thinking that is all we need to do. Jesus often helped and healed folks physically and spiritually. To Him they went hand and hand. Keep in mind that Pharisees had the routine, rhetoric and “religion” down but never “up” with the real relationship when the rubber hit the road (or dining on the road to stop and eat). Yes, “the Word never comes back void” but as believers it is good to point them to Heaven but we must be intentional in treating them like Christ while on Earth. I love that verse: “Silver and gold have I none but what I have I give you Jesus.”
Some see Jesus either as a threat or treat by the way we act towards others. I have come back to various restaurants passing through and it never fails. Nine times out of ten, they remember me! They almost jump over top of each other like crabs clawing on top of each other just to wait on me. Not because I am someone “big” but perhaps they know that I will treat them with class and treat them as if they’re important. The fact is, we are all important in the eyes of God. Looking back, at times not only have they blessed me with a nice view, great seat, wonderful service but they will actually listen to what I have to say when I share Christ with them. Why? Because I have invested in them in the past and they are willing to hear about what makes me tick, why I tipped them and that Jesus is not some trick but He is more than a treat but The Treasure of Life! We must show society that God cares and we care.
Yes, speaking over 200 times per year in nearly half the country has afforded me the privilege to meet a few folks. It is true, that I have met a couple “bad apples” along the way but here is another nugget to consider. Sometimes, the folks who deserve the tip the least need it the most. Read that again. It is true in life and love. The Bible is clear: “While we were yet sinners – Christ died for us.”
TIP OF THE DAY: No joke, school may be out for the summer but as adults this is our homework assignment and we are not talking grades but grace. Try to tip those whom serve you the best you possibly can at the moment. Try to serve them while they serve you. Lastly, each payday ask yourself are you giving what is rightfully the Lord’s in your tithe/offerings or are you robbing God? Don’t think you are doing God a favor by “tipping” Him with your occasional worship, twice a week listening to a Christian radio station or reading a devotion about God’s Son once a blue moon. The offering is on top of the tithe so the next time you are tempted to slight God maybe you should pay your tithe and with a grateful heart tip Him on top what is all His anyways. Like M&M’s we are “plain” when we are rebellious, selfish and disobedient to God but when you are NUTS for Jesus than you will not only give to Him but graciously bless others along the way.
Frank, as a former waitress at Denny’s for nearly a dozen years I want to thank you for the way you mentioned about not only my former profession but treating others with decency and class. When I was working I knew it wasnt the best job or most glamurus but I honestly was grateful for a job and tried to work as if doing it for God.
I have been reading your blogs for a couple months now but I appreciate how you promote God and stick up for the small people. God bless you and I would love to hear you preach sometime. We live 90 miles south of Louisville, KY. God bless you
***OUCH**** good word, but OUCH!
Frank, I got a chance to check out your blog, and I see, the Lord keeps you pretty busy with speaking engagements… That is great… One of these days, hopefully you will be able to share some of the things God has shown you in the way you got started, and in how to keep the ball rolling… I’m sure that requires action on your part as well as the Lord opening doors… I read the point you raised on tithing, and I’m seeing it from a different aspect… Very good… I’m looking forward to reading the information we talked about in getting started… I’m not sure if that was something I would read on your blog, or if it was something you would mail me… Please don’t forget me (LOL)… I will continue to keep you in my prayers
Brother Frank…
Once again you are Right On to what the Holy Spirit has been laying on a Few Good Pastors Hearts! Pastor Dr. Johnny Hunt just a few weeks back ago said “Stop Stealing From GOD to Keep Your Homes!” He said that there is statistics showing that many who were once faithful Tithers have stopped Tithing all together, pouring all their earnings to pay for the fraud mortgages that they purchased.
A poll of Evangelical Churches has recently reported that the Average Giving has dropped to 2.5% of reported earnings!
And just this Sunday, Pastor Johnny said in his sermon, that the Greek word Hedon… the root of where we get the name Hedonism from, is the spirit that is bringing America to the brink of destruction! The basic idea behind hedonistic thought is that pleasure is the only thing that has intrinsic value… stealing from GOD to do so is why we are is such financial straits!
But there is Hope!
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
I’m Believing GOD & I will be giving GOD His first fruits Daily as they come in… as I once did as I was earning daily income!
When I was out of a job recently for many months, I Tithed my time… a Minimum of 2 hours & 40 minutes focused on Abba & looking for His Treasures & Appointments each day… and often sharing simply encouragement with many folks without jobs, too!Those were Very Blessed Times indeed!
Frank, thank you for honoring our Jesus the way you do! Let’s keep our hearts tuned to Him in everything!
I very much liked this article. In reading the responses, I was so pleased that a person from Dr. Johnny Hunt’s church was commenting on things that he had said. I am so happy that I knew Dr. Johnny Hunt and his brother at Gardner-Webb University where I taught for 31 years, 1967-1998. If any Gardner-Webb University alumni remember me and are not already my friends on Facebook, please feel free to invite me to be your Facebook friend.
One of the big things I have always taught during my 42-year-teaching career and now as a Sunday School teacher is that we must always treat everybody with dignity and respect. How can we ever forget that God made ALL of us in His Image.
Bob Morgan, Ph. D., Professor Emeritus of French and Mathematics, Gardner-Webb University, Boiling Spring, NC
I’m still trying to find where new testament tithing as taught today is. The old testament teaching is clear, but when it comes to tithing in the new testament, not so clear. The new testament DOES encourage giving generously, but I can’t find where it says that 10% is the starting point.
Please share your thoughts on this.
Amen on Frankly speaking! I refuse to steal from God and if you don’t take you tithes and offerings into the storehouse….that is exactly what you are doing!! Keep on telling the word of God….they’ll either say Amen or OUCH!!
I really enjoyed your recent FB message about tithing. I love the “I’m not afraid to say it” attitude. I find this is your most motivating preaching style (to me) because you do so well at saying what needs to be said, without compromise, while not making your audience feel bad about it. You’re the man.
Thanks for all your encouragement about being bold in sharing the gospel. It gave me strength in being bold in my faith this weekend. I was talking with a Jewish man (very devout) while on vacation this week. He kept telling me of all the signs that the Messiah was coming. I said, “I agree with you the Messiah is coming soon, but HE IS COMING BACK!!” Thanks for letting me borrow some of your boldness.See More