MEET NICK:   This brother, Nick Hall has an amazing assignment from the Lord. Since youth, he has been telling anyone and everyone about the Lord. God opened incredible doors for him to speak on campus while a student and that spread to a movement on multiple college campuses. After seeing firsthand how the [...]


  It has been three weeks and I am still digesting and processing what God did in our midst in Monroeville, Alabama. Some skeptics suggest revivals are obsolete, tents are outdated and evangelism is out the window simply because it is too hard or offensive. One respected church leader said years ago, "It's not that [...]


On New Year's Eve 2013 - New Year's Day 2014 it was my honor to be a small part of what God did BIG this past week at my friend, Dean Forrest annual BIG GOD Conference in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Ironically, on New Year's Eve last year I was help ushering in the New [...]

Got over God?

Excited to announce that my new book "CARRYING GREATNESS" is scheduled to be released early next year! So honored that Sheila Walsh - speaker with "WOMEN OF FAITH" and my buddy, Dave Sterrett of "I AM SECOND" both agreed to write endorsements for the book. Go God! One of the early chapters in the book, [...]

Bono & JESUS

Yesterday, my dear friend and fellow Evangelist Randy Hogue texted me the quote below. It touched me so much that immediately I added a picture of Bono and shared it on FB and less than 18 hours it got over 144 shares and scores of comments. Literally, because of friends sharing it with their social [...]

Why Church Attendance is Crucial

Folks stop me periodically and say: "Frank, I love Jesus, I am going to Heaven but I don't feel obligated to go to church. What do you think?" Perhaps you have had heard a similar statement too. Some suggest salvation is enough. Well, before I answer let me remind you what God says on this [...]

Back from the Big "D" – "Success"

It is always fun to visit Dallas, TX. We just got home at midnight (last night) and I am feeling this morning like a muffler - EXHAUSTED. It was a wonderful trip and it was great reuniting with family and friends. Ruth's brothers and sisters live in Irving (just outside of the old [...]

"Frank & Friends" – TONY NOLAN

Friends, please keep me in prayer. In the next seven days I am scheduled to preach NINE times! Yesterday, (Sunday, April 26), I preached twice (AM & PM) at Oxon Hill Baptist Church to "kick off" their five service, four day revival. My daughter, HANNAH GRACE SHELTON had her 9th birthday on Sunday sandwiched between [...]