About Frank

Part author, comedian & visionary but FULL communicator of Biblical Truth, Frank Shelton travels the globe pointing people to a personal relationship with Jesus. He shares HUMOR, celebrity impressions and powerful life stories that Exalt the Savior, Encourage the Saints and Evangelizes the Sinner desiring to build God's Kingdom not his. Frank has a God given gift to "dial in" to those disconnected from God and hung up in life. He is an evangelist and encourager and ideal for students, singles and Sunday services speaking over 200 dates per year at various venues. Three times he has addressed audiences over 100,000 but just as content preaching in the country church but his passion is going after ONE more soul before its eternally too late.


Last year, while visiting California to tape a tv show at Trinity Broadcast Network studios (TBN) in Santa Ana I stopped by to visit the iconic Crystal Cathedral. Just weeks before, the legendary church called my cell while I was at home and inquired if I wanted to preach a Sunday sermon or give my [...]

Bono & JESUS

Yesterday, my dear friend and fellow Evangelist Randy Hogue texted me the quote below. It touched me so much that immediately I added a picture of Bono and shared it on FB and less than 18 hours it got over 144 shares and scores of comments. Literally, because of friends sharing it with their social [...]


People ask me periodically why I shop at Walmart? With a smile but no less serious I share as a preacher of the Gospel I already have TARGET on my back! The truth is we are marked men (and women) when we live for God. The Bible reminds us "We are not ignorant of Satan's [...]

CHRISTmas 2012

This year has FLOWN by. Someone asked Dr. Billy Graham what surprised him most about life and without missing a beat the renown evangelist said: "BREVITY, how short it is." The Bible talks about our life being a "vapor." We are here today and could literally be gone tomorrow. In January 2012, I posted a [...]


Last month, on a leisure Friday afternoon I took my son, Andrew (turns four in January) to see "NEMO in 3-D" at the theater. It was a spur of the moment, un-planned, Daddy-Son date. Our 20 year old theater in my hometown of Waldorf, MD finally got a makeover adorned with brand new, red leather [...]


WHAT GOD DID IN LONDON @ 2012 Olympics Outreach (featured in EMERGING EVANGELISTS) It has been said: "GOING FOR GOLD" but recently I had the privilege to GO FOR GOD! This month, I had the privilege to spend 12 days in London, England for the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. Ironically, it was the XXX Olympiad [...]