Out of Order

The Bible notes: "We are in the world but not of it." Over the years, I have seen some stuff. My dad recently sent me the above video clip of a Corvette stranded at sea. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? First, cars are not boats! Secondly, a brand-new $62,000 car has no business sailing. [...]

The Blind Side

Yes, Sandra Bullock won the ACADEMY AWARD for Best Female Actress this weekend for the inspirational movie "The Blind Side." I saw the movie three times and enjoyed thrice as nice. However, this post will not be about the Hollywood hit or modern day cinema classic. Special props go out to my collge friend and [...]

"Little is MUCH when God is in it"

In an age of Big buildings, Big budgets and Big bucks we must remember that in God's economy bigger is NOT always better. If crowds alone were a gauge for God to view success than He would have "by passed" the woman at the well, the lonely leper looking for love while longing to be [...]

Andrew Lincoln Shelton

One year and one week ago today, God answered a private prayer of mine and blessed me beyond measure with the birth of our son, Andrew. Some of you may know but during the darkest days of my life many questioned if I would ever see the day to have another baby much less [...]

The Sicko in the Sycamore

Initially, I considered naming this post GOING OUT ON A LIMB for the LORD or BRANCHING OUT in 2010. Either way, it reminds us all what happens when we reach out to Jesus. Desperate men must take drastic measures to get to God. Yes, prayer is a whisper away but obedience outstretched to [...]

The Little Drummer Boy

The "Little Drummer Boy" Christmas classic is my all-time favorite. The first time I saw it on CBS, I was in elementary school and I cried. For the past three decades I have watched it annually and it still tugs at my heart strings. Yes, "Frosty" was good, "Christmas Vacation" with Chevy Chase is great, [...]

BOOKING DATES for 2010-2011

This past year has been a whirlwind and the older I get the faster life flies by. The one thing I don't regret is serving Jesus early in my life. It was 30 years ago this July 2009 (at age seven) that I trusted Jesus as my Lord & Savior. Praise God, I have yet [...]

Why Church Attendance is Crucial

Folks stop me periodically and say: "Frank, I love Jesus, I am going to Heaven but I don't feel obligated to go to church. What do you think?" Perhaps you have had heard a similar statement too. Some suggest salvation is enough. Well, before I answer let me remind you what God says on this [...]

"Mountain Top Experience"

This weekend, despite having bronchitis I had the privilege to preach four times in three days in beautiful Hopwood, Pennsylvania at the Jumonville Christian Conference Center. It has been said: "How we act in our lowest point shows our true character." I also love the Scripture: "When I am weak - then I am [...]

Cancer in Christianity – Insecurity & Jealousy

In the past two years, I have been blessed to be a guest on the three largest Christian studios in the world. The three shows combined reach a daily audience of over 1 Billion people. God truly uses the "foolish to confound the wise" and I am living proof. It is also ironic that [...]