FRANK TV - Bringing the Word to the world

FRANK TV - Bringing the Word to the world

In the past two years, I have been blessed to be a guest on the three largest Christian studios in the world. The three shows combined reach a daily audience of over 1 Billion people. God truly uses the “foolish to confound the wise” and I am living proof. It is also ironic that I received a “D” in public speaking in high school. My success is not in my merits but His mercy.

On one program I was asked: “Frank, what is the greatest cancer in Christianity and in ministry?” That is a great question and I had never been asked that before. Since it was a subject I wasn’t prepped nor prepared for the Holy Spirit gave me a word. With the whole world watching I replied as cool as a cucumber: “If you had asked me 20 years ago I would have replied either infidelity or immorality but today I would have to say “INSECURITY.” The host said: “Please explain.” I shared with him: “Sadly, I am afraid that professional jealousy is killing us because we are so busy criticizing and competing with the “saved” minister and ministry next door that we have taken our eyes off the “lost” and we are all losing for it.” Ironically, I got a standing ovation from the studio audience. Go God!

It had been brewing in me for a couple years but God enabled me to strike a chord and perhaps light a match that many when they take their ministerial masks off realize I am not only right but we need a revival desperately among the leadership of the Church. It is a fact, if we will ever see the Lord and witness the revival that so many say we long for we need to die to self, live for the Lord and implement the gifts of others even at our own expense. It is imperative that we are mindful that our “success” is found not in our performance but Christ’s acceptance of us.

Too many are in ministry today and view it as a “career” and not a “calling.” Those that have a career have a job but the calling brings JOY! For those employed with a career are fearful that someone could be smarter, stronger and more successful among the saints. Those empowered by Christ and His call are free to promote others without worrying about losing ground, face or their job!

Before I go further, I want to remind readers that this post is not to blast all pastors but carefully warn of the dangers when we are not being Spirit-led and let insecurity hinder us from helping grow God’s Kingdom. Just like one “bad” cop, teacher or politician doesn’t mean that all in that line of work are guilty. Pastors are some of the finest folks that I know, but after criss-crossing the Country the past two decades and being in literally hundreds of churches and meeting multiplied thousands of pastoral staff; I am just reporting in love but boldness too many are afraid of someone else sharing their God given gift to bless the church where they serve. My dear friend, Dr Herbert Fitzpatrick and my home Pastor Marvin Harris are two of the pastors who have constantly brought in powerful preachers and gifted artists and our church was better for it. They both opened up a whole new world for me to learn from gifted orators, sold-out servants to the Savior and I wanted to become what they brought to the table to minister to the masses.

Some preachers (youth ministers included) are tempted to think if I bring one of these people to minister they may like them more than me. That is both an honest thought and its because we are all human. But the more we love and live for God we must constantly be willing to die to self so we can be ALIVE in Christ. This is the heartbeat of this entire post (not to destroy pastors) but to expose the cancer of envy, jealousy and insecurity prevalent in our congregations. When Pastor Fitzpatrick (who serves on Board of Advisors of Liberty University) and Pastor Marvin Harris brought in tons of talent over the years, I am sure one or two members had the audacity to say: “Preacher, why don’t you preach like so and so.” Even in joking, those comments should not be stated personally or privately. But the remaining 99% members held them in higher regard not only because they contacted them but connected to bring them to our country church. When we utilize the talents, wisdom, gifts and personalities of others the Body of Christ runs more effectively and on all cylinders.

For far too long, the Body of Christ has been so shackled with our own flesh that we have almost ceased to “fight the good fight of faith.” It was wisely said: “If you are the sharpest or smartest person in your group. YOU NEED A NEW GROUP – or at least re-GROUP.” Leadership can be both lovely and lonely. However, true leadership surrounds self with spirit-led and more successful, senior saints without feeling threatened by folks with way more talent, drive and wisdom. It is true in politics, business, sports and almost every arena in life. However, what is heart breaking is the lack of leadership in the Christian Church. Many in ministry not only “wound their own” but try to hinder folks from growing to the next level with the Lord (yet, they call themselves “life coaches.” How about we get back to being preachers of the Most High God.

This will ruffle the feathers of some but it is true: “If the shoe fits wear it.” God didn’t call me to a popularity contest – I won that back in grade school. The stakes are higher here (Hell is real) and because I was blessed early on to reach certain heights personally, professionally and even with popularity; I can risk and even relish in the fact that the truth is more important than playing it safe, being “politically correct” or complacent, comforming and casually committed when Christ called us to be a champion, courageous and confident.

This is where I start sounding like Andy Rooney from “60 Minutes.” He is famous for noting: “Have you ever noticed……….” Honestly, I have witnessed a sad trend in ministry the past two decades I have been preaching the Gospel. We have gone from complimenting and completing one another to competing with the clergy, church or conference down the street. How tragic – how true. Secondly, I have noticed that those preachers who are very “terriritorial” of the pulpit are nine times out of ten not very dynamic speakers themselves. What is worse, I have witnessed on countless occassions that when they finally elect to bring a speaker in the one selected is not as “gifted” as the preacher normally in the pulpit. That is not saying much. We buy books, attend conferences and say sound bytes: “That it’s ALL ABOUT HIM” but apparently its not when push comes to shove because we don’t want to share the spotlight or should I say “SON light” with others. Friends, this is not arrogant just an accurate statement.

Years ago, I was told that many ministers were afraid to allow other speakers in who may differ in theology, etc. Today, I don’t believe that is the issue at hand as much as insecurity in the ministry. This is not due to theology but “fear-ology.” At this juncture I can already hear some senior pastors try to insert “economics” for not bringing in more gifted artists, speakers or evangelists. Actually, it is not a ecomonical problem as it is an egotistical issue.

Over the years, I cannot tell you how many times that I have encountered friends inviting me to speak at their church only to hear their pastor to say: “I am sorry, we are in the middle of a ten week sermon series and cannot afford to break it. Perhaps another time.” That is unfortunate. This happens not just to me but most of my friends who have been gifted as some of the most powerful preachers on the planet.” After taking one too many “leadership courses” on how to distance themselves from their church members the pastor prides self on making a “executive decision.” This is “leadership lacking” to lead the church they are entrusted to grow to the next level.

When I played basketball growing up, I was tempted to play with folks my own age and dominate. After being invited to a select basketball camp where NCAA Division 1 coaches taught us while I was in high school, we were implored and instructed to play ball with folks three and four years older than us. Yes, it was tiring, exhausting and we lost more games than we won. However, when we got back and played hoops with those our own age, we realized that we were quicker, faster and were playing at another level. It has been said: “Who you hang out with is what you become.”

Ten years ago, I was on staff at one of the fastest growing churches in my convention and the pastor went on vacation for two weeks. It was my honor to preach both weeks and while I was in the pulpit I bragged on the Lord and complimented our pastor while he was away. When he returned no less than a dozen people deep waited outside of his door to say: “My goodness – you need to go on vacation more often to let Frank speak.” Honestly, I wish they didn’t quite use those terms but the fact is they meant it as a compliment for me but he took it as a swipe at him. The last year and a half on staff, I was never allowed to preach again. Why? Jealousy and insecurity.

In March 2009, I had Evangelist Rick Stanley (stepbrother to the late ELVIS PRESLEY) in my car and had him preach a revival in my hometown for three days. As I dropped him off at the airport in Washington, DC after a fun-filled couple days as he exited my car he said: “Frank, do you know the one thing a preacher will not forgive you for?” Thoughts ran through my head and I began to guess and name ideas: “Perhaps, alcohol, drugs, pre-marital sex, adultery, poor preaching, over-eating, bad breath, etc.” He said without blinking and pointed his figure toward my face: “Frank, they will not forgive you if you are more successful than them.” I was stunned and Rick was right.

Friends, regardless of your vocation may we all celebrate the credentials of others. Like my last post, be an “EAGLE” not an ostrich when it comes to dealing with others with more charisma, clout, class and competence. Daily, I pray to honor God, bless other people and surround myself with folks with way more talent. Be better not “bitter” when you cross paths with new friends and fellow servants.

The Body of Christ resembles the human hand. We have prophets, evangelists, apostles, pastors, psalmists, etc. In high school, I could throw a football 47 yards with a tight spiral. Not bad for a 17 year old teen! However, if I cut off one finger I would immediately lose my grip and you could automatically knock off at least 20 yards from my next throw. We need each other (all the gifts of God in the Church today – especially, in these dark, difficult days) and when we let fear hinder us from bringing in someone special with a God given gift we not only “quinch the Holy Spririt” but its like going to war and leaving the Special Ops unit at home. This not only grieves God, despairs Deity and anguishes the Almighty but we cease to live and begin to exist in building the Kingdom of God. We go from soldiers to spectators. That is demotion not promotion.

Without question, scores will have to give a long account to God when we stand before Him in Glory because we let pride, ego and insecurity hinder us from steering His sheep to greener pastures. In closing, I would like to encourage all pastors and youth ministers to bring in speakers and singers with a heart for God and talent. Celebrate them – do not tolerate them. Let God use them to bless your people. Trust me, we will all be better for it. Lets extract the cancer from the Church in the illness of insecurity and then and only then can we really do service for our Savior while working together to build His Kingdom not our church. It’s all His anyways. Let’s be about His Destiny not our dynasty.