"Frank & Friends"- CLAY CROSSE

Clay Crosse is an amazing man. Not just because he has TEN Number One hits over the years but because he is authentic, transparent and best of all forgiven. His hit songs include: "I Surrender All" and a host of others dominated the radio airwaves during the 1990's and early 2000. It was my pleasure [...]

"Dying is Beautiful"

Fall is my favorite season of the year. Only God could graffiti the world with His awesome artwork. Sadly, we are so busy looking down we fail to look up and see what He has done! God is both creative and contagious. God invented something out of nothing and yet values us (humans) as everything. [...]

"TCB" – Taking Care of Business

Since as long as I can remember I have been a Elvis Presley fan. My parents would have me perform concerts for their friends when I was four years old. When I was age five my parents took me to see Elvis "IN CONCERT" not once but TWICE in 1977 (months before his death)! [...]

"Walk a Mile in My Shoes"

God is so good. A special thanks to my friend, Evangelist Randy Hogue who has un-selfishly opened a door for me to speak this Thursday night and Friday to nearly 2,500 students in a couple public school assemblies in West Virginia. I will be speaking to two assemblies at a large public high school [...]

"Frank & Friends" – AYIESHA WOODS

One of my favorite friends & singers in the world is AYIESHA WOODS. She is amazing and her smash hits "HAPPY," "BIG ENOUGH" and "LOVE LIKE THIS" have blessed me untold times. Ayiesha sang at my Celebrate Jesus! Texas Crusade in July 2007. We rented out the Arlington Convention Center (near Dallas) and I invited [...]

Frank TV 2

Praise the Lord! Thank you friends for all the prayers, well-wishes and kind comments regarding my recent appearance on NITELINE TV in Greenville, SC. It is an honor to share the Word with the world what Jesus means to me. God doesn't need me but how I need Him. If you missed the two hour [...]

South Carolina & Frank TV

My plane just landed this morning from a weekend whirl-wind trip to the Palmetto State. It is always a JOY to return to South Carolina. It was my privilege to fly to Greenville, SC on Saturday, September 12, on a US Airways jet. Ironically, only seven people (including me) were on the flight from [...]


It is hard to believe but it was eight years ago today that America was knocked to her knees. Ironically, I had just flown back to Capitol Hill, the day before the attacks from preaching in Florida. I was also on staff at the Republican National Committee and I was raising funds for [...]

"Frank & Friends" – TONY NOLAN

Tony Nolan is one of the most gifted preachers of the Gospel that I know. He is former Student Minister at First Baptist Church of Woodstock, GA and he stepped out "by faith" to speak to hundreds of thousands of people annually. The beauty about that transition is that Tony didn't see all those open [...]

"Elvis Presley is dead"

It is hard to believe but it was 32 years ago today, that I heard the horrible news that "ELVIS PRESLEY is dead." It was August 16, 1977 and my five years old ears had just got word that my hero was dead. My parents had taken me to see Elvis "IN CONCERT" not once [...]

"Frank & Friends" – NICOLE C MULLEN

One of my favorite Christian singers of all-time is multiple Dove Award Winner - NICOLE C MULLEN. Her smash hits: "Redeemer," "I AM," and "When I Call on Jesus" have ministered to millions and her tracks exalt Christ while breaking down barriers. It was my pleasure to meet her on the PRAISEFEST "Cruise with a [...]

"Frank & Friends" – ANDY WILLIAMS (aka "Bald Wunda")

It was my pleasure to preach at a "CASTING CROWNS" concert in 2005, in Manassas, Virginia at a large church. It was a Youth Evangelism Rally and Duffy Robbins and I, were the two invited guests and I had the pleasure to preach both Friday night at the CC Concert and Saturday morning on the [...]

"Frank & Friends" – TAMMY TRENT

This month marks the 30th anniversary of my accepting Jesus as my Lord & Savior. Outside of prayer and reading God's Word daily and applying it to my life (outside of God's great grace) I believe "PERSEVERANCE" has aided me more in my walk with Christ than any other element. Christianity is not a spectator's [...]

"The King"

The world for centuries and even recently has named and nicknamed some of our citizens: "kings." We have had Elvis Presley - The "King of Rock N Roll" and most recently Michael Jackson - "The King of Pop." In boxing, we had Ali - "The King of the Ring" and countless politicians, presidents and [...]

Michael Jackson – "Gone Too Soon"

The passing of Michael Jackson reminds me more than ever why I am an evangelist. This will not be a post to illuminate his mistakes (because that is God's job and one has to look very little to find mine). However, it will touch briefly on his success and remind all the importance of salvation. [...]

"Frank & Friends" – DAVID EDWARDS

My mom always said: "God looks after good people and dummies." She said: "Frankie, I don't know what camp you fall under but God is sure looking after you!" The truth is God loves and looks after all people and those that know me would attest that I am a "glorified goof ball." Long ago, [...]

"Frank & Friends" – AARON & AMANDA CRABB

God gave me a phrase years ago that we have coined now in Christian circulation: "The GREATS are GRACIOUS." My guests today are two of the nicest people on the planet. Aaron & Amanda Crabb are fellow servants of the Gospel, children of the Most High God, an encouragement to many and somehow a [...]

"Frank & Friends" – MEADOWLARK LEMON

Considered the "Clown of Basketball" - Legend and Hall of Famer Meadowlark Lemon has been delighting audiences for over five decades. Today, Meadowlark is an ordained minister and evangelist. Truly, a man among boys his basketball & Bible have carried him to over 150 countries bringing hope, humor and now Heaven to the masses. [...]

"Frank & Friends" – NIKITA KOLOFF

Nikita Koloff - "The Russian Nightmare" is the "FIVE Time World Wrestling Champion" and bowed his knee and gave his heart to Jesus Christ. Today, he is one of the most powerful preachers and evangelists that I know. He serves on the Advisory Board of www.PraisefestMinistries.com with me and he is a dear friend, brother [...]

"Frank & Friends" – Dr ERGUN CANER

Dr Caner is President of Seminary @ Liberty University. He is a former Muslim, powerful preacher and a dear friend in Christ. Ergun can flat out preach. This dude could preach the "paint off the wall." For the past two years, we have been blessed to minister together in Bahamas with Praisefest Ministries - [...]

"Frank & Friends" – LEX LUGER

[/caption] Lex Luger - "THE TOTAL PACKAGE" former Wrestling World Champion was actually the missing package until he accepted Jesus as his Lord & Savior. Today, by the grace of God - Lex, is now the "COMPLETE PACKAGE." Enjoy! God bless & go with God.

"Frank & Friends" – TONY NOLAN

Friends, please keep me in prayer. In the next seven days I am scheduled to preach NINE times! Yesterday, (Sunday, April 26), I preached twice (AM & PM) at Oxon Hill Baptist Church to "kick off" their five service, four day revival. My daughter, HANNAH GRACE SHELTON had her 9th birthday on Sunday sandwiched between [...]