The truth about these iconic individuals is that they were and are mere men. Not Divinity nor Deity but mere mortals with as many problems privately as they achieved success professionally. Most dazzled “on stage” but most tragically fizzled off stage. Without question, I love to celebrate the success of others as much as possible but the fact is only Jesus Christ – “The King of ALL Kings” is truly deserving of the title “King.”
Jesus is King of the Ages, King of ALL and He was Divinity yet became humanity. He was Savior but became servant. He was accustomed to Royal Robes in Heaven but was willing to wear my ripped rags on Earth. He was from Beulah Land but came to Bethlehem to be the “bruised and battered Lamb that taketh away the sins of the world.” He wore a studded crown in Heaven but wore our splintered cross on Earth. He was born in a wooden crib but died on a wooden cross and the irony is He taught us how to live but we in our sin taught him to die. He left His throne in Glory to inherit a crown of thorns in His gory beating and because of His temporal death we could inherit eternal life for those trusting Him as our Sacrifice, Substitute and Savior.
God has convicted me to remember who the real “King” is and when Michael’s brothers escorted his gold plated casket adorning the white sequin gloves the music in the background was the church classic penned by Andrae Crouch: “Soon and Very Soon – We are Going to See the King.” That message had a double meaning for the 18,000 packed in the Staples Center. The crowd was getting ready to see their “king” but my prayer during that wonderful memorial was I prayed that Michael was ready and the 1 Billion watching via television that we are all ready to stand before King Jesus – The King of ALL Kings! This video below is one of the greatest clips of all time. Friends, if this doesn’t light your fire – your wood is wet! I love that quote: “No King but King Jesus.”
I really miss Michael Jackson. He is truly the greatest pop singer of the century. Farewell king of pop..
there is no doubt that Michael Jackson is the best ever pop music artist of the Centruy:-*
i will really miss the King of Pop. michael jackson is truly the best pop artist in this lifetime.,.`