In case you don’t know, I am one of the biggest Sylvester Stallone fans this side of the Mississippi. It was my honor to meet Sly at age 13, in Hollywood, CA and then be an “extra” nearly 20 years to the date in 2005 (video below), at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas as I sat ringside as he filmed: “ROCKY BALBOA.” Yes, this is a Christian blog but I revere and respect both “Rambo” and “Rocky.” Why? For starters, both characters fought for freedom, filled with faith and passion for “God & Country.” Rambo fought outside the ring and Rocky fought inside but both realized that ideals are worth fighting for and yes, like it or not: “Life is a Fight.” One mistake we have made in church today is that we act like we are not at war. Well, in case you missed the memo we are on two fronts. War abroad and war within.
More on the movie nostalgia in the future but the truths I would like to extract for this post packs a powerful punch from the third installment of the “ROCKY” saga. The theatrical trailer reminds viewers the point blank assessment from his mentor and manager, Mickey that rocked Rocky like no opponent in the ring. Mickey noted in Balboa’s palatial mansion: “Kid, the worse thing that could happen to any fighter – happened to you – “YOU GOT CIVILIZED.”
The best people on the planet to be around are those who just trusted Christ as Savior. For them, losing is not an option, “all things are possible,” moutains are moved in their midst, God still saves and rejoicing comes more frequently than retreating. But somehow, somewhere, someone threw “cold water” on their buring fire for Jesus and was told that it was not proper, professional or practical to be sold out for their Savior. Pharisees and back row Baptists told them to calm down, shut up and chill out. Sad but true. Some backslid, others gave up, scores confused and some cursed the church and left to never return. For many who rode out the storm, were so badly beaten by “friendly fire” that they too lost their edge and “eye of the tiger” to live for the Lamb of God.
It is one thing when your mentor and coach tells you to your face, point-blank and pulls no punches that you are “civilized,” not as sharp, nor on all cylinders. If that doesn’t rock your world or light your fire than your wood is wet. This stinging statement should really get one’s attention. However, when the Lord personally remindes us in Scripture (Revelation) that we have been wasting time, wasting punches and worse – wasting His time we really need to re-evaluate where we are at. Jesus said: “You are neither hot nor cold and He would spit us out of His mouth.”
Friend, I am the eternal optimist and I believe the best days are still ahead. However, the things we need to talk about the most – sadly, are often talked about the least (even in Christian circles). This blog will always be broadcasted in love but I will not post posts that don’t have truth and teeth to them. We need to highlight where we may wrong and also shine a light on things we got right. Today, is a mixture of both. Too often, the Church has tried so hard to accomodate the world that at times we have come close to leaving the Lord outside. What do I mean? Today, countless churches across America can be found “having a form of godliness but denying the Power of God.” What that is saying in modern english is we have religion and rhetoric but restricted the Redeemer in our religious routines.
We “play” church but at times fail to be the church. Many Ministers have bought the lie that “crowds” equate success. Therefore, we have succeeded at “building a church” but were “knocked-out” when it came to leading the lost to the Lord or making authentic disciples. This is a broad statement so no offense should be taken unless it applies to you. The GOOD NEWS is that God still gives grace, forgiveness is still found in Jesus and today is a new day – repent and don’t make the same mistakes tomorrow in ministry.
The reasons we resemble Rocky on the ropes at times is because we have forsaken our first love. Scores are preaching a “cross-less” Christianity. Worse, a “Christ-less” Christianity and folks fail to remind millions of faithful followers that following Christ comes with a cost. It is more than prosperity but the reality that Christ is coming again! We need to store up our treasures up there NOT down here. Many who are first now will be last later and it is imperative that we keep Christ at the center of church and Christianity. Another reason scores of churches have lost their power is because they act like the world not the Lord. We need to get back to basics and get a burden on saving souls not big buildings or budgets.
“Rocky” & “Rambo” both were not afraid to bleed, nor were they ever embarrassed by blood. Gov. Jesse Ventura made a cult statement in the movie: “Predator” when he said: “I ain’t got time to bleed.” Well, fortunately for us, my Savior stepped out of Heaven and into Earth to bleed for me and mankind. Today, one reason the Christian Church is weak is because many preachers, pundits and professional pharisees saw fit to try to down play or remove the red blood of Christ from our conversation. Friend, our power comes from the crimson red blood that dripped out of Jesus’ veins and because it was shed we could be saved. Too many in ministry are playing the music but are missing the notes therefore it could very well be a smashing cymbal to the Ear of Almighty God. My motto has always been why preach if you don’t preach with power.
Today, the church too often relies on its laurels and not the Lord. Our success is in Christ not crowds. It is in Beulah Land not big buildings or budgets. It is in the cross of Christ not a civic cause. It is on the Person of Jesus – “The Prince of Peace” not a personality, performance or program. It’s in personal purity not finding purpose professionally. We need to return to righteousness and a hunger and thirst for God not goods. We chase “stars” and not the Son. The church may have “cash” but it lacks class if Christ is not the Head of His House. Let me slow down here because I was starting to get ready to preach 🙂
If you recall in that first fight against “Clubber Lang” in ROCKY III, Rocky became rich in wealth and poor in work ethic. He relied on his past success not his future sacrifices. He thought he could just show up and still win. What happened? Clubber cleaned his clock and rung Balboa’s bell. The tragic truth why he lost that first fight was three fold: “He lost the edge and “eye of the tiger.” Secondly, past success kills as much as future failures. Lastly, his manager and mentor, Mickey Goodmill dying certainly helped take his mind out of the game. The battle is truly won in the mind. You can be all heart but if your head is not in the game you are going down for the count. The Bible is true: “A double minded man is unstable in ALL his ways.” Henry Ford was right: “If you think you can or can’t – you’re right!” Jesus said: “As a man thinketh – so is he.” We need to get a check up from the neck up because we are in the final rounds of the fight of our lives. Satan is still a roaring lion, looking to devour anyone and anything in his path.
Today, the church has got to get back to basics and willing to work like never before. We have taken our eyes of Christ and the Great Commission to seek and save those that are lost. The reason Rocky was reduced to the canvas in the second round of that first fight was not just his lack of preparation (didn’t put on the Full Armor of God) but he went to battle with his mentor dying. Today, the Church is guilty at times as acting if our Mentor, Master & Messiah (Jesus) is dead. The truth is that the Lord lives, He reigns and He is coming back. We are victors NOT victims.
No doubt, in ministry personally and the Church corporately, we have taken some serious shots. We have been bruised, beat, bloodied, badgered and dangled on the ropes more than Rocky in all six installments. However, the beauty about bruises is that they do heal. The Bible notes: “The Lord is coming back for a Bride (church) without spot or blemish.” We have been down but not out. We have been bruised but not broken. We have been exhausted but not extinguished. In the classic words of Rocky’s manager as Rocky lie on the cold Philadelphia pavement in “ROCKY V: “Get UP, because Mickey loves you!” Then the theme song comes on, the trumpet blast blarring: “Gonna Fly Now” and Rocky replies: “Yo, I ain’t hear no bell.”
The morale of the story is the bell (Gabriel’s trumpet) hasn’t blown yet and with God’s great grace, we can still “rise up as wings of eagles” and fight not only for another day but finish the race that Christ called us to run. How? Because more than Mickey – our Master and Messiah loves us, in our Corner and He still fights our battles. The blessing about bruises and beatings is that which doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. With surviving comes confidence and with the Word we can talk back to the enemy and like Balboa at the bell come out swinging for one more round. Time is running and like Rocky told “Clubber Lang” at the start of their second fight: “Go For It!”
Today, the church cannot nor will not be pushed around any longer. Like that precious preacher of years ago said: “I have read the back of the Book and we win!” Today, tonight and all our tomorrow’s may the “real” Christians’ stand up, be accounted for and swing for the fence, serve the Savior and spend the rest of our days living for the Lord. Remember this – it is not wrong to be knocked down but to stay down. The war is won to those despite taking shots, knocked down and around but endured and actually have their head and hands held high when the bell sounds. Victory is ours because we are on the “winning side” with Christ. As Sly would say: “Keep Punching!”
Thank you Sir Frank, you’re so right!
I remember that movie and your comments are “spot on.”
Brother, you are so right!
Great Post Frank!! Love it!