"Attack on America - 9/11"

It is hard to believe but it was eight years ago today that America was knocked to her knees. Ironically, I had just flown back to Capitol Hill, the day before the attacks from preaching in Florida. I was also on staff at the Republican National Committee and I was raising funds for the GOP and on the phone with a donor trying to promote President George W Bush’s message on September 11, 2001, when a senior citizen told me a plane had just hit one of the Twin Towers in New York.

Less than 20 minutes later, another donor on the phone told me another plane hit the tower and I thought that they may have got the story wrong and it was the same plane. Instantly, I knew then that we were at war. Our office was one block from the United States Capitol Building and we were evacuated. That is one day I will not soon forget because we literally thought planes were falling out of the sky (especially, now that the Pentagon was on fire).

One year later, I was flown to Sullivan, Indiana at the invite of a couple pastors and churches of various denominations and was given the privilege to preach to a packed crowd at the one year anniversary on 9-11. It was also aired on radio all over the state and when I finished they gave God a standing ovation. The roar from the crowd was almost defeaning and even on tape it sounds like thunder. God gets all the glory but one of the privileges I have enjoyed as a preacher of the Gospel and my background with politics is that when society is hurting. God has allowed me and many others to offer comfort and peace in the midst of confusion and pain.

My message was entitled: “ATTACK ON AMERICA: Fear vs Faith.” The terrorists when they hit the Twin Towers were sending a symbolic message that they were out to destroy us financially. When they considered hitting The White House or U.S. Capitol – they were trying to relay a message to destroy us politically. When the plane hit the Pentagon that was to embarrass our military. However, what they really wanted to do was run a plane at a local church or National Cathedral because what they despise most is our faith in Jesus Christ.

Evangelist Billy Graham eloquently shared with the world: “The terrorists may have torn down our walls but our foundation is in tact. Our faith in Christ allows us to build and re-build.” We were down but not out. That day we saw some in society act at their very worst. However, countless Christians and concerned citizens around the Globe also came together showing acts of kindness in the very best spirit of mankind. Only God can bring triumph out of tragedy.

The truth is our security as a Nation comes only from the salvation offered by Jesus. Our hope is in Him and not ourselves. Ironically, the numbers 911 are the same numbers we are taught as children to call in case of an emergency. That day our strength was not in ourselves because we were gasping for air. It was not in our communications because phone lines were shut down. It was not in our finances because the banking system came to a halt and the lives that died that day reminded us all that the soul of man is more valuable than stocks and bonds. Our own President was diverted at the instruction of the U.S. Secret Service to fly away from Washington, DC. Our hope was and still only found in the Person and Power of Christ. No one would have ever bet that the massive Twin Towers would ever have crumbled to the ground before our very eyes. However, what we can see is temporal but what we cannot see is eternal.

Today, I pause and pray for the victims family who suffered such loss then and today still learning to live without their loved one(s). My friend, Tammy Trent (who tours with WOMEN OF FAITH) also lost her husband that day on 9-11, but she was overseas on a missions trip when he died while snorkling. As America was crumbling back home, her world was also coming apart. In honor of her husband, Trent who also passed away eight years ago today, I would like to encourage you to click VIDEO on my left side bar and listen to my past interview with Tammy sharing her amazing story of God’s grace in the midst of life’s storms. Below is one of my all-time favorite songs: “God Bless America” by Lee Greenwood. It is great to listen any time of the year (especially today).

God spared America that day and He continues to bless us more than we deserve today. Regardless of your political background, race or gender I would encourage you to pray for our President, pray for our Congress, public servants, our soldiers fighting for freedom and celebrate with humility that we still live in the greatest Nation on Earth. God bless America and as Americans may we live a life that blesses God.