(watch above 30 sec video before reading post) For centuries it has been noted both intentionally and subliminally that the raising of hands displays victory. Regardless, if it be a battered boxer (Balboa) with extended arms upward, a politician winning an election, a sports team winning the big game with the whole world watching or even a [...]


Lord willing, we will be flying to Calgary, Canada this Wednesday, August 11, on a 6 AM flight. The blessing is Ruth and Andrew are traveling too and we are excited about reconnecting with family and  friends while invited to preach at two churches on Sunday, August 15! Andrew Lincoln just turned a year [...]

WORDS are WONDERFUL (until you use them to hurt)

We should agree by now that the quote we learned as kids: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" are false. Actually, sometimes we would be fortunate to have broken a bone than bruised the soul or psyche. In the final installment of "ROCKY BALBOA" we find Stallone shooting [...]

Frank TV 2

Praise the Lord! Thank you friends for all the prayers, well-wishes and kind comments regarding my recent appearance on NITELINE TV in Greenville, SC. It is an honor to share the Word with the world what Jesus means to me. God doesn't need me but how I need Him. If you missed the two hour [...]

South Carolina & Frank TV

My plane just landed this morning from a weekend whirl-wind trip to the Palmetto State. It is always a JOY to return to South Carolina. It was my privilege to fly to Greenville, SC on Saturday, September 12, on a US Airways jet. Ironically, only seven people (including me) were on the flight from [...]

AMERICAN IDOL – Sometimes we win by losing

"American Idol" continues to dominate the television airwaves. Multiplied millions each week tune in and text away their vote for their favorite future star. Folks all across America are glued to the tube to witness the contestants shine and fall (like many shooting stars) and eventually one by one get eliminated. For most of the [...]