(watch above 30 sec video before reading post)
For centuries it has been noted both intentionally and subliminally that the raising of hands displays victory. Regardless, if it be a battered boxer (Balboa) with extended arms upward, a politician winning an election, a sports team winning the big game with the whole world watching or even a college intern who just won his office fantasy football contest now doing a celebratory dance in his cubicle with no one viewing. The fact is outstretched arms raised reminds all of a win.

Even the new Mercedes with gullwing doors resemble the “V” for victory. With a mere quarter of a million dollars you can obtain some measure of victory professionally by buying the Mercedes can’t guarantee it personally. This weekend we are reminded of the passion and pain endured by Christ the Holy Week of Easter. Jesus is lovely but also was lonely. Many want the POWER of His resurrection but we forget the fellowship of His sufferings.

The Lord had many lows. Some valleys included His own disciples asleep in the Garden of Gethsemane, to the betrayal of a disciple who sold the Savior for thirty pieces of Silver. Interesting that God wasn’t even sold out for gold. Desperate people do desperate things. This week, I’m reminded of the disciple who denied Divinity not once, twice but THRICE. As the rooster crowed the Redeemer cried. Not for Himself but for us. Consider the indecision of a decision maker who sat out when he should have stepped up. He did the unthinkable – Pontius Pilate feared the crowd more than have faith in Christ and released a convicted felon and sentenced the crucifixion of the sinless Son of God.

The guards even tried to EBAY his clothes at the foot of the cross. Not much has changed today. Folks use Jesus to make a dollar but not allow Him to make a difference in their own lives. Christ was suspended between Heaven and Earth, strategically placed between two thieves after being nailed to a cross, stripped practically naked publicly and died a criminals death.  He had un-just friends, encountered an unjust trial and still reaching out to folks with un-confessed sin.

Its interesting that Jesus final work on the cross was leading someone to Himself. If that was one of his last acts why don’t more believers make that their first priority when their feet hit the floor? It is worth repeating: “I don’t evangelize because I am an evangelist but because I am a commited Christian.”  My miniscule mind asks a question? What hurt the Lord worse – the nine inch nails that penetrated His flesh or His faithless friends who denied Him at His death?

Indeed, the Lord had some lows. Actually, deep dark lows. I submit to you the depths of despair that no one human had ever endured. I am convinced that it was all part of the Plan. The moment Jesus rolled out the crib He started crawling to the cross. The cross didn’t come to Christ but Christ went to the cross. Jesus was not surprised by how it would end but embraced it because He knew it wasn’t the end but just a transition. Where some saw “final” God had a finale in mind. The Lord loves sequels! Christ loves COMEBACKS!!

Christ was whipped, beaten, mocked and humiliated. The Man who was the embodiment of love was the receipient of horriffic hate. You think you got haters? The new Bruno Mars song “GRENADE” comes to mind. Read this words but place images of Christ to the lyrics.

I’d catch a grenade for ya – Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I’d jump in front of a train for ya – You know I’d do anything for ya
I would go through all this pain – Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes, I would die for you, baby But you won’t do the same

Christ isn’t asking for sympathy. He is seeking sancified soldiers. He wasn’t “Woe is Me” but where are you? He died for you – try living for Him! God could have sent a postcard from Heaven stating “WISH YOU WERE HERE” but to prove His point Jesus came near and dwealt among us. He left a Mansion in Heaven to come to a manger on Earth. Divinity now part humanity. He stepped down so we by grace could graduate UP. He wasn’t hype but the Hope of Heaven. Not rhetoric but Word in flesh. Wow, that will preach!  In the words of Max Lucado “He rather die than LIVE without you!” Yes, it is true when God needed us the most He counted on mankind the least. It has been said: “God does things for those whom help themselves.” That is not Scriptural. God does things for us that we can’t do for ourselves. The story of history is HIS STORY – apart from God we are nothing and can do nothing. We are lost without the Lord. We are dead without His grace and because He was rejected we could be accepted. His grief could be our grace. His temporal death could grant eternal life to those who trust Christ by faith as their Sacrificial Subsitute.

Recently, some have suggested that LOVE WINS. The fact is the lost lose without a personal relationship with Jesus. God knew that multiplied millions would deny Him even after His death. But that is part of the beauty and majesty of the Gospel. God died to give us a choice. Truly love doesn’t demand but offers options. You can know Him by faith or forsake Him for eternity. The poorest person on the planet is not the one with no savings in life but NO SAVIOR in death.

Jesus knew before He left Heaven to be born on Earth that this was not going to be an easy task. It was not the safe route, nor the convenient route but the only route to redeem mankind. The Bible notes in Hebrews that He endured the cross. Knowing God, I believe He ENJOYED the cross. Winning is never easy. You cannot cut corners in win. Some have temporally but not for eternity.

Jesus, The Word knew and lived out one of my favorite passages: “If I be LIFTED UP I will draw all men unto Me.” As Christ had endured multiple lows we find Him on His back in the hot sun nailed to the cross. Moments later the soldiers begin to lift the cross high and Christ is erected skyward. MAKE SURE YOU SEE THIS –  with outstretched hands. Perched and parched we find God groaning but with each breathe exuding great grace. While bleeding He is still blessing. Despite being unjustly convicted we see Him still connecting not just to the crowd but convicts. Sin looks in but LOVE looks out! When you are right internally you don’t want others to be left out externally. God was worried more about you than Him. When He was on the cross – YOU WERE ON HIS MIND!

At the cross we find a perfect picture of our predicament. We are guilty, condemned to die but between us is Divinity not only pleading our case but willing to pay our debt. Two thieves are on each side of Him. Truly, every rose has its thorn(s) and even the Rose of Sharon had both thorns and thieves in this grotesque garden. We find their (our)anonymity and proximity to Deity. What happened? With Biblical binoculars we view The Trinity on the tree and half reject Him and the other accepts Him. Not much as changed. What camp are you?

This Easter, the question rings out today: “What will you do with this Jesus, The Christ?” Are you going to put Him off for a rainy day or make things right this sunny Easter Sunday? Tomorrow is not guaranteed. As the Savior prays, God dies and the sky turns black. The ground shakes, a soldier finally realizes “Truly, this Man is the Son of God” and as mourners weep we see a Savior slain suspended on the cross. Not for His sins but ours.

More than a athlete we see the Almighty. We see not a politician but the Prince of Peace. More than a royal wedding on Earth we see The Redeemer preparing for the Marriage Super of the Lamb in Heaven. We don’t find an intern but Immanuel (God with us). Not a bruised boxer but the Triumphant Trinity on a tree at Mount Calvary. LOOK CLOSELY – watch this – Don’t miss out —- His arms are stretched out, extending Heavenward and what doubters, demons and the Devil initially considered death and defeat realize it is Virtue, Valor and VICTORY!