Thirty five years and countless critics later, Sylvester Stallone is NUMBER ONE (again) at the box office. It will be 25 years to the date on Sept 13, 2010 that my Godmother, Judy Henderson and I (age 13) spent the weekend in Hollywood, CA in 1985 to meet my favorite action hero after winning a RAMBO II contest. What is ironic is that he was iconic then! Sly’s new movie “THE EXPENDABLES” grossed $35 Million on opening weekend and like “ROCKY” he had been on the ropes at times but since the bell didn’t ring he kept swinging and is box office champ once again.
The word “expendable” is defined as not worth using, easily replaced, second rate, discarded after service and/or holds little value today. Sadly, some Christians and clergy view the evangelist as expendable too. Some churches have no desire for evangelism so they wouldn’t see how utlilizing an evangelist would bless their congregation and community. The evangelists that I have come to admire and grow as friends are all a TREAT not a threat.
Times have changed but the human heart is as wicked as ever. One pastor recently told me after I preached a five day revival at his church said: “Frank, I see the evangelist as a Special Forces type of guy who can get in and get out with the Holy Spirit help clear the debris of sin, set the captives free and help us explode in maturity both spiritually and numerically.” That brother “gets it.” Another pastor shared that he views the evangelist as a skilled surgeon performing delicate operating procedures with a skilled focus on evangelizing sinners and encouraging the saints while he viewed his role as a pastor more the primary physician or general practioner. He understands too. One pastor told my evangelist friend: “The reason we don’t use YOU evangelists anymore is because you create too much work for me when your gone.” When inquiring what he meant by “work” he was not referring to scandal or sin but stressed out that he would now have to baptize 13 adults who just trusted Christ as Savior. The pastor seemed upset that over a dozen more souls are Kingdom bound and now Christ-honoring people in the community much less the church he pastors. Plus, they are now tithing to the local church. The stats show that 90% of Southern Baptist churches in America the past few years average baptizing only 10 people or less. If that pastor is now baptizing 13 in one weekend after using a God called evangelist this should give ammunition to shout not scorn.
Ed Stetzer nearly two weeks ago had a great dialogue on his blog about the role of the evangelist. I shared on his blog that I attended a conference three years ago with pastors and when they learned I was an evangelist they treated me like I was a third class citizen in the Christian Army, a minor league preacher and be better off getting a secure salary as a senior pastor “because you will never make it in evangelism.” I was told point-blank by a few pastors “You guys (evangelists) either only have three good sermons” or my personal favorite “Not good enough to have your own church.” Wow! I couldn’t say that it didn’t sting but perhaps they comprehend their call but not ours. This friendly dialogue is good because we should grow in grace and befriend one another.
I have been blessed to pastor a Baptist Church but knew God called, equipped and empowered me to “do the work of an evangelist.” America’s preacher for 60 years was not a pastor but ironically an evangelist (Dr. Billy Graham). It has been tempting the last couple years to forsake the call of an evangelist and consider church planting because that tends to be the trend. The problem with following trends is that if not true they lead to heartache and heartbreak but no harvest. Together, church planters, pastors, lay leaders and all Christians can and should partner with evangelists to evangelize. It is imperative that I honor the call of Christ on my life (regardless of results). One reason for not pursuing the church or plant route is because Scripture is clear: “Unless the Lord builds the House we labor in vain.” Secondly, we can get ahead of God (even in ministry as ministers), Thirdly, I don’t want to be ouside of God’s Will just to prove a point that evangelists bring much to the table.
Last year, I was told the reason many clergy and churches don’t bring in (implement) evangelists anymore is because most evangelists don’t host stadium events. HELLO? When did one need a crowd to tell someone about Christ?? Some evangelists do speak in stadiums, television, newspaper, massive mega churches but regardless of the size of a venue – evangelism is not designated for 30,000 seats or more but is a commandment by Christ not a suggestion by man regardless of the arena (or lack of). We win souls one at a time and each one can reach one. Won by One. The two best revivals I was blessed to participate in 2008, were unfortunately (but ironically) in churches that were without a pastor. The danger about writing when not in a room is that with a void of expression can get miscontrued quick. In all love, that verse “you were running well who hindered you” I cannot help but think some of the leadership in churches have hindered the perfect will of God by halting folks such as an evangelist from utilizing their God given gift and calling.
At age 10, I had such a yearning for lost souls that I couldn’t sleep. Eventually, I made a point that win or lose, sink or swim, live or die I was going to invite friends to church to VBS in 1982. Well, 22 friends came with me (at age 10) Go GOD!! It is fact most folks don’t come to church because they were never asked or invited by a friend. I am convinced that the God called evangelist is a gift to the Body of Christ. They do have an anointing to “draw the net” and can preach a simple Gospel message and God moves in a most special way. Evangelists compliment the pastor. Sometimes saying the same thing but in a different voice gives credibility and the “light bulb” goes off to help the congregation grow in their faith.
The evangelist can be both a harvester and revivalist. Yes, souls are won to Christ but it is just as important for the saints asleep or stangnant to be renewed, revived and ready anew for service partnering with the pastor and church to reach the world for Christ. One of the highest honors of my life is being able to minister to ministers in private during the revival meetings. They (evangelists) are a gift to the church but the fact is even as an evangelist myself – I don’t evangelize because I am an evangelist but because I am a commited Christian. We are all called to share our faith and be ready to give an account (both by our life and lips).
In the most recent RAMBO movie – Stallone the ultimate fighting machine is on a boat, ready for war, armed and dangerous with a desire to rescue the perishing. He is exiting the boat when folks who were also ready to fight suggested that he was just a “boat man” and unfit for battle (perhaps antique) and would not be needing his services. The man who was born for war was told that he is deduced to the sidelines with gun in hand and to sit life out. The other “trained” warriors went in, almost all got killed and RAMBO with a time tested bow and arrow comes out and wins that war.
Its kinda like playing a pick-up basketball game and Michael Jordan in his prime adorning six championship rings wants to play with ball in hand but told by others he can be on the “team” but sit at the end of the bench next to the water boy. The fact is we must all be obedient to sharing our faith. Most of the evangelists I know long and live to compliment the pastor and their staff not compete. Actually, we want to help COMPLETE the work of Christ in our midst.
Over the years, I have learned folks will criticize or question what they have not experienced or do not understand. When Tony Nolan saw 43,000 decisions for Christ at Winter Jam recently some ministers have a hard time digesting that. When Clayton King saw 1,000 and 2,000 souls saved respectfully at one service some can’t grasp that either. Truth be told, it happend and most folks don’t have the privilege to preach to 10,000 nightly. Those are not exaggeration but confirmation that Jesus is still in the Soul Saving business. God did it then, doing it now and will do it again (with or without the support of the local church). We can hint “Missional” but if we are not on mission than we are just a mess with a message that never reached the masses commanded by our Messiah.
Some have suggested over the years that “results of revival” don’t last long. It was said that a bath doesn’t last forever either but it sure helps to take one periodically. The evangelist can both reach the lost while reviving the saved and/or stagnant. Ministry is a team effort but its not that the evangelists are MIA but unfortunately the doors for opportunity are not quite what they used to be. Some fault economy, theology or plain jealousy but I believe it is a fair statement to suggest that churches today (especially SBC have replaced the role of the evangelist for church planting). In high school, just because a team finally got new jerseys doesnt mean they are winning as a team. Tremendous blessings have resulted in church plants, etc but the facts are that a 1-5 day revival still does enormous good in the life of the church, personal refreshing to clergy and a tremendous amount of souls getting saved.
Without question, God called me to do the work of an evangelist. The evangelist in Ephesians 4:11 is actually mentioned before the pastor and yet too many are still trying to determine the worth and wealth of blessing that they are to the Body. This post was never to suggest who is more skilled but its a sad day when some are not even sure that the evangelist has value today. Yes, some evangelists unfortunately fell by the way side but so have teachers, policemen and bankers but that doesn’t mean that everyone was off base or wrong. Secondly, when one is out front in war you are a bigger target from enemy fire. We need to nurture and minister to these warriors not treat them callously or “expendable.” Dr Johnny Hunt is one of my heroes. His Timothy/Barnabas conferences have helped and brought healing to many men in ministry. He is an encourager, equipper and evangelistic everytime he preaches.
My father retired as Deputy Chief of the United States Capitol Police in Washington, DC. He was number two out of 2,000 officers protecting Congress, the US Capitol, Commander in Chief and citizens from every continent. As a police officer, early in his career he stayed countless hours on his feet “on post.” Most times, it was boring, not glamorous but it was more than a career but his calling. Some may enter ministry for wrong motives but most of those that I know (pastors, evangelists, teachers, etc) are unselfish individuals who love Jesus and are part of a team greater than self. The Lord is coming back sooner rather than later and I walked away by faith to do the work of an evangelist. Obedience is standing on post and I share my faith almost daily not because its my “job” but a JOY to do it. My prayer is that revival will sweep our land and world like never before. But revival must start with us in our hearts, homes and heads first. My prayer is that all Christians will share their faith in love, tact but Biblical boldness. We are in the last days and perhaps this is that era of a falling away of the faith. My hope is that a precious dialogue and fellowship will grace the hearts of the pastor and evangelist to grow as friends. Ministry is at warp speed but we can do more together than apart.
In closing, the last “INDIANA JONES” had a line when Harrison Ford was rolling thru campus on a motorcycle and saw a young man ask him a question about another’s stance on an issue. Ford in his typical style responded: “Kid, you can’t trust him because he has been in the classroom too long.” The folks who have made a profound impact on my life have either started out as evangelists or never lost the burning passion to reach souls while doing the work of an evangelist. We have preachers and teachers but all of us are called to be REACHERS for God’s Glory. Evangelists that I admire and love (Billy Graham, Dr Tim Lee, Ralph Sexton, Jr. Dr Lee Roberson, David Ring, Junior Hill, Josh McDowell, Bailey Smith, Jamey Ragle, Clayton King, Tony Nolan, Rick Scarborough, Keith Cook, Jay Lowder, Meadowlark Lemon, Jonathan Edwards, Clyde Box, Rick Stanley, Clark Bosher, Steve Hale, Jerry Drace, Rick Amato, John Gray, Nikita Koloff, Ergun Caner, Clark Bosher, Marcus Lamb, Ronnie “The Raven” Dean, Randy Hogue, Brian Fossett, Eric Fuller, Matthew Dunaway, Scott Newton Smith, Chris Hill, Shawn McBride, James Robison, Sujo John, Acton Bowen, Dave Edwards, Jay Strack, Robbie Robison, Marvin Harris, Brandon Crouch, Chris Brooks, Dan Meyer, Curt Anderson, Matt Brown, Wayne Matthews, Ken Freeman, Frank Withers, Kelly Croy, Braxton Hunter, Mark Spence, Chris Palmer, Bryan Taunton, Med Skeens, Dean Forrest, Ron Herrod, Jason George, Caleb Gordon, Paul Cobb, Craig Church, Matt Wilkins, Ben Knott and countless others) are not only team players but humble servants who desire daily to love God, bless the local church and see souls saved. To their credit, they have looked for a way in not a way out. Failing is not an option.
It is actually proven to be cost effective in seeing a harvest and a deepening of folks pressing into God with bringing in an evangelist than investing funds in buildings, programs and other ideas. We can call work together. My concern over the years (especially in SBC) that its easy to discuss, debate and disect the playbook but it has hindered too many for too long in ministry from actually getting in the game, executing the plays and scoring for the Kingdom in evangelism. God is great and he is certainly blessing but too many friends (not many of us left) are relegated to not only back of the bus but boat like John J Rambo and told we are not needed or worse – shouldn’t or don’t exist. The Bible is clear “He that winneth souls is wise.” That is true for us all. An evangelist is a gift but unless we un-wrap it and benefit from it we will never be running on all cylinders as a church. Again, my remarks are not so much a rant or rave but a humble review from the other side of the fence. May we be busy building God’s Kingdom and my evangelists friends are on “post” and we humbly pray to God daily and desire to work alongside precious pastors saying: “Here Am I Send Me.”
What is expensive is not the price to utilize an evangelist but electing to extract them out all together. It is one thing when the government elects to scrap a program but its eternally worse when church leaders halt or hamstring the mandate of implementing the giftings of an evangelist. In the past, God has used and continues to use folks like Spurgeon, Moody, Sunday, R.G. Lee, B.R. Lakin, Lee Roberson, Luis Palau, Mordecai Ham, Freddie Gage, David Allbritton, Sam Mings, T.L. Lowery, Randy Hogue, Billy Graham, Johnny Pope and countless others to reach the masses with the matchless message of our Messiah.
Presidents may ponder the “State of the Union” while some in church leadership may question the “state of the evangelist.” Critics will always critique but we will stand before Christ not the naysayers. Without question, these are tough times to live. Ministry is hard work, the economy is rough and at times the future can look bleak but I have GOOD NEWS. Our trust is not in men, money or military but our hope is in Christ and the harvest is ripe and I rejoice that when we work together we will experience REVIVAL like we have never known before. It has been said: “One man’s trash is another Man’s Treasure.”
If you want to see the Kingdom EXPAND than prayerfully consider using an EXPENDABLE.
Super Frank:
I rejoice with you over the blessings of the Lord upon your meetings. May His hand continue to open doors all over the country and give you many souls. We desperately need men like you out on the firing line telling the way to be saved.
Praise The Lord !
I was glad to meet you Frank in Canada…I love your passion for the lord! You are an inspiration to me. Blessings
Frank, thank you once again for laying it all on the line. What a gift! A great word that needs to be shouted to the rooftops to our pastorate and church leaders everywhere!
Dude you are a nutt! Love it! 🙂 David Ring with a fire arm? Frightening!
Awesome. But, what the were you thinking giving everyone a cool combat body and leavin me out?! LoL
Frank, We would be honored to have you visit us again in Dunn, NC on the first Sunday morning in December. Please let me know ASAP that exact date so we can put it on the web page. We will continue to talk and try to add some ministry time to your visit. God bless you friend
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Braxton Hunter, Frank Shelton. Frank Shelton said: EVANGELISM isn't EXPENDABLE – new blog post […]
Well said, brother. My wife and I spent almost 7 years on the road, traveling to fairs and carnivals doing church services, We also did some guest speaking at churches. We saw a lot of people that had never had the True word spoken to them and they were amazed at what their pastors had not taught them about scripture. One SBC pastor told me that “his” congregation was happy not being told that they were not giving their all for Christ.
That is why God chose some to be pastors, some to be teachers, some to be evangelists. So the truth can be gotten out. Too many of our churches are “businesses” today rather than true churches. Are evangelists and revivals still needed? In today’s society, YES..more than ever. It is our (evangelists) mission and calling to bring the true word of God to the people( and, unfortunately to many pastors). Keep on preachin’, brother. Thomas Family Ministries will be right there with you until the final judgement day.
Wow! Great pic! Love the slogan!!
Great post! We reposted your blog on Twitter yesterday
Mr Shelton, we are thrilled you are coming to preach at our two day youth conference in Philadelphia, PA in Nov. We called your office last week and hope to mail you the airline tickets early in September. Can’t wait to finally meet you in person and thanks for your passion for Jesus, love for the lost and desire to win people to Jesus. We are praying for you always
Frank, to see you on fire for God years ago,and to see your love for Him has not abated in this present time,is extremely encouraging.As you know,I spent many years ministering thru music and many years playing both Christian and secular music professionally.
After 30 years playing music and 22 years reading the Bible,I know that without love, we are nothing.Thank you for your commitment to God’s Kingdom-I am in awe of all He
does thru you brother-we must get together and minister thru our 2fold Gospel attack-the Word and God’s language of the heart-music -luv u brother
Frank, to see you on fire for God years ago,and to see your love for Him has not abated in this present time,is extremely encouraging.As you know,I spent many years ministering thru music and many years playing both Christian and secular music professionally.
After 30 years playing music and 22 years reading the Bible,I know that without love, we are nothing.Thank you for your commitment to God’s Kingdom-I am in awe of all He
does thru you brother-we must get together and minister thru our 2fold Gospel attack-the Word and God’s language of the heart-music :)-luv u brother
Frank, I love to read your blogs.
Frankie J,
Wow. This is wonderful. I know you are a BIG Stallone fan. I also loved reading your other blog this week in your email about the man who gave you $200 instead of spending on the lottery, but the man that came forward and repented for his anger against the minister was very powerful. You do such a wonderful job reaching out to all those who need help.
Glad you, Ruth and Andrew has a nice visit with Ruth’s family.
Aunt Janie
Thank you for speaking up!
I can’t imagine someone getting it more than you do. Although we are all called to do the work of an evangelist, I like to think of it in the context that all people are expected to take care of their cars. When they have failed to do the proper maintenance on their car, their car slow down and fail to do what it was built for. At that point, they have to call in the service of the mechanic who is a specialist in getting the car back to where it needs to be. Likewise, when pastors and believers have not provided the needed maintenance to maintain and strengthen their faith, the church slows down and ends up doing things that it was not made to do. At such times, the Evangelist needs to be called in to provoke the church back to where it needs to be.
Should people forsake the mechanic, we will see more broken down cars. Should the church forsake the evangelist, we will see more broken down churches.
Keep it up brother.
-Ben Knotts (Phil.1:20)
Frank, thanks for the kind words. Powerful blog! I agree!
Hey bro Frank!!! It was really awesome meeting you and your wife this past weekend as you preached twice at our home church!!!
You were such a blessing to my life, famliy, and church! It’s great making new famliy friends in Christ!! Well take care, much love to you and your family.
Lots blessings From Calgary, Canada:)
Very well written & insightful Frank. NOW, get off the computer & GO make a dent in hell! 🙂
Hello Frank, sounds like God is keeping you busy with the ministry. While in Memphis for Elvis Week recently Elvis Presley’s step-brother Ricky Stanley and his brother Billy came to our function and shared a few Elvis stories with the crowd. He said to say hello to you from him.
Take care,
Bobbie & Michael
I was in the congregation at the Calvary Chapel yesterday…you made me laugh and cry….you are so spirit filled…Thank you for your powerful wittness to our Awesome King of Kings, Jesus Christ….Please pray for my family..the ones who havent a clue about what they are missing..the doubting thomas’s and the ones hooked on lies..I love you and I thank you
Brother Frank, what a joy it is to see how the LORD is using you so mightily to speak His heart in the churches. May the LORD bless you richly, grant you His wisdom and grace and use you more and more mightily as you serve Him so humbly and continue to fulfill the Great Commission!! Be blessed my brother!! Our prayers are always with you!!
I loved listening to you last Sunday at Calvary Chapel, you’re an amazing speaker and id love to learn to speak like that. I’m very glad I had the opportunity to listen to you and meet you and can’t wait to read your book. You blessed our church big time!
Awesome article Frank… It Is A Privilege To Be On A Team For Jesus With You ★ “We are called to be team players and humble servants who desire daily to love God, bless the local church and see souls saved.” — Frank Shelton
Would you be interested in airing your ministry programs on JBN International network ? over 17 countries in Latinamerica . With a satellite coverage in Europe ,North Africa and the Caribbean . We have very good time slots that I’m sure you’ll be interested in take a look at it ! Please let me know your thoughts and hope to hear from you very soon .
Be Blessed
[…] (read full article) […]
Frank is Bomb diggity!!!
HA HA!! Love it – AWESOME!!!
Frankie, your SWAT Team for JESUS is awesome ! 2 Timothy 2:3 endure hardship with us like good soldiers of CHRIST Jesus. 🙂
Frank I can always expect from you a kind and relevant word. You are without a doubt one of Gods choice servants.
It’s really a cool and helpful piece of info. I am satisfied that you shared this helpful info with us. Please stay us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.