"Too Busy?"

Friends, in the next week (starting tonight) I am blessed to preach 9 times in 3 states (Mon-Fri) for a five day revival at First Baptist Church of Mount Rainier in Maryland. Please pray for souls. Saturday, I give the keynote for Grace Brethren Christian School's Graduation at 10 AM at the beautiful [...]

The Cherry Blossoms – do the "little things" BIG!

**(The Cherry Blossoms turn 100 years old this year - Spring 2012! NOTE: I wrote this post April 2010). Yes, Spring has sprung! Hard to believe that six weeks ago we had three feet of snow in the Washington, DC vicinity and today the temperatures are pushing 75 degrees! Yes, the Scriptures are true: "This [...]


Travelling is not only part of my job but one of my greatest JOYS! My life resembles PLANES, TRAINS & AUTOMOBILES (literally). Travelling is not always glamorous but it is indeed God's grace that I get to roll (much less FLY). When I worked on Capitol Hill, one of the highlights for me was flying [...]


It is hard to believe but it was eight years ago today that America was knocked to her knees. Ironically, I had just flown back to Capitol Hill, the day before the attacks from preaching in Florida. I was also on staff at the Republican National Committee and I was raising funds for [...]