North Lawn @ White House
North Lawn @ White House
South Lawn @ White House
South Lawn @ White House
West Wing @ Press Room
West Wing @ Press Room
Frank @ Oval Office
Frank @ Oval Office
Pres Obama exit Marine One
Pres Obama exit Marine One
President & Mrs Carter
President & Mrs Carter

Presidential/Political Pictures

Young Bill Clinton w/ Pres. JFK , 1963
Rose Garden – The White House
Washington, D.C.
Frank w/ President Bill Clinton, May 2000
Andrews AFB – Clinton, Maryland
The Oval Office – The White House
Washington, D.C.

Frank w/ late U.S. Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC) 1994
former President Pro Tempore
Washington, D.C.

Frank w/ former Sec of Defense Cohen (R),
Mrs. Cohen & Sen. John Glenn (D-OH)
Andrews Air Force Base – Clinton, Maryland

Frank Shelton, Jr w/ Pres. Bill Clinton,
VP Gore, Speaker Tom Foley, 1993
steps of U.S. Capitol
Washington, D.C.
Frank’s father w/ Pres. Ronald Reagan
West Front – U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.
Frank’s Dad is captain smiling to left of POTUS
Frank flew for two days on “Air Force Two”
Presidential Fleet flew from MD to NC & FL
April 2000

Frank w/ U.S. Senator Edward M. Kennedy
(D-MA) Washington, D.C.

Frank w/ Maryland Governor Parris Glendening
(D-MD) 2001

Frank’s father, Deputy Chief Frank Shelton, Sr
w/ President George H.W Bush, 1991
State of the Union – U.S. Capitol
Washington, D.C.
Frank w/ President Jimmy Carter
& Mrs. Carter, June 2000
Maranatha Baptist Church – Plains, Georgia
Frank w/ U.S. Senator Trent Lott (R-MS) – 2001
former Senate Majority Leader
Washington, D.C.

Frank’s Dad w/ Legendary BOB HOPE
U.S. Capitol – Washington, D.C.

Frank w/ Congressman Steny Hoyer
House Majority Leader – 2000
Annapolis, MD – Christmas Party

Frank “Welcome Aboard” AIR FORCE ONE
2007 – Future Ride – Dayton, OHIO
(plane that flew JFK back from Dallas, TX)