First, I would like to introduce to you the “GAME BREAKER”. Perhaps you know of one that comes to mind or you may have been one in your younger years on the playground of your youth. Regardless, if it was Michael Jordan jumping over Craig Ehlo and the rest of the Cleveland Cavaliers and hitting the game winning jumper at the buzzer with the whole world watching or San Francisco 49er great, Joe Montana finding Dwight Clark with “THE CATCH” in the back of the end-zone against the Dallas Cowboys at Candlestick Park en route to winning the Super Bowl or a “dark horse” coming out of nowhere to win the Kentucky Derby – all of these are attributes of “game breakers.” Just when you thought the game was over, the crowd could head home and the betters in Vegas were already mentally counting their cash; the “gamers” stepped up and the game turned on a dime and faster than a Ferrari with no brakes the game was completely changed right before your very eyes. Some fans elated and others absolutely crushed.
Contestant number two enters in and we have the “ROOM CHANGER”. Perhaps you have been at a party or event when one of them walk or waltz into the room and literally it feels that the air changes, the music fades and all eyes in the room are now fixed on someone at the other end of the room. Perhaps it is a powerful politician, a beauty queen, Hollywood icon or rock star equipped with electricity and/or an entourage that would make the late James Brown proud. You’ve seen it – the papparazi start chasing, flash bulbs begin popping, women begin screaming and the room seems hopping over to that individual. It is something to behold if you have never experienced it first hand.
Behind door number three we find the “IDENTITY TAKER”. These bandits are not restricted to race, religion or reality. They strike in various venues and a variety of wicked ways. Some strike senior citizens whom are easy prey while others hit at random. Some steal credit cards and forge someone’s signature and enjoy exotic vacations, lavish lifestyles at another’s expense and begin to jet set, live large and hurt many in the process while they wine and dine on someone else’s dime. These folks resemble leaches because they cling on to and suck the lifeblood out of others. Instead of being laborious they are lazy and like a drug addict desire and demand a “quick fix” now opposed to working for it later. They are thieves and thugs and are a major menace to society. If you have ever had anyone steal your wallet, purse or credit cards it can be a nightmare not only to try to recoup the damages in dollars but cleaning up your credit is usually more of a problem and can take much longer to restore. Personally, these folks resemble people whom would buy another’s trophy at a yard sale and prominently display it on their top shelf as if they earned it. How you can really appreciate a win if you didn’t work for it, deserve it or achieve it while playing by the rules.
In closing, despite these three contestants, champions and cons we can only point to One Person Who is a “CALENDAR SNAPPER”. When Jordan, Joe Montana, Ali, Angela Jolie, Brad Pitt, Elvis Presley, Britney Spears, Tiger Woods, Hannah Montana, Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Oprah or Usher was “ushered” into this world – NONE of them snapped the calendar in half. When Jesus was born it went from B.C. (Before Christ) to A.D. (After Death). That is just one reason alone, why I am a Christian because Christ is the centerpiece of civilization. He was born to die for our sins. Clear and simple – end of story. Not any more complicated than that. We do a disservice when we add more to the Gospel.
Yes, I loved Jordan as much as anyone. For years, I wanted to “be like Mike.” Growing up, I played countless hours of hoops in rain, sleet and snow. Traveled all over to shoot ball in driveways, gymnasiums and arenas while daydreaming day and night about playing ball. Yes, it was great fun to watch Michael at the top of his game and you knew you had a chance with M.J. on your team despite how much the Bulls were down by and what little time may be remaining on the clock; but it’s a fact that Jordan missed just many jumpers at the buzzer than he made them! Yes, I love him because he wanted the ball even when the entire arena knew it was going to him but the truth is he was not perfect.
Arguably, no mere mortal could change the climate of a room like Elvis Presley at the zenith of his popularity but even the most handsome and gorgeous humans are made of flesh and that fades eventually. As immature, insecure and insensitive as those whom steal the identity of another the truth is you cannot ever find freedom or experience true peace and purpose unless you meet first hand, Jesus Christ , The Carpenter from Galilee and the Messiah of the Universe. The answers in life are not found in the “stars” of Hollywood but the Son of Heaven. In closing, many are game changers but only One is a Life Changer, Jesus the Son of the Living God.
Frank, nobody “brings it all back to Jesus” like you do! Brother, I love how you love Jesus….. and I love you. Hugs to Ruth and the children. 🙂
I love the motivational minutes. Thanks so much
hi bro frank, it was great to receive your e-mail blog. How are things going for u i hope you are 2 BLESSED 2 BE STRESSED call so we can talk sometimes. how is your wife Ruth – tell here hi for me.