Frank & Grammy Winner Andrae Crouch

Frank & Grammy Winner Andrae Crouch

Since the passing of Michael Jackson last week countless stories have broke and been broadcasted around the Globe. Some true, others speculation, most exaggeration but God only knows what is fact and reality. One story that has surfaced is that Grammy Winner Andrae Crouch met Michael weeks before his death in his rented mansion in California. It is true that they met, talked about Gospel songs and Michael was curious to learn of the Holy Spirit and anointing that comes from folks that have a personal relationship with the Lord. Recently, I read in several accounts that they prayed together but God only knows if Michael trusted Christ as his personal Savior before breathing his last.

From my last post, it is evident that my prayer along with multiplied millions of others hope that Michael Jackson accepted Jesus before departing Earth. It has been said: BIBLE is “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.” May we all ponder with greater clarity and urgency that the world is watching our every move for those of us who are Christ followers (Christians). No one knows when those in our presence will die. The fact is we don’t even know when our time is up to stand before Almighty God. One thing that has haunted the beloved Evangelist Billy Graham for nearly five decades is when President John F. Kennedy phoned Dr Graham and asked him to come to the White House. The President (whom was Catholic) had some questions about the “Second Coming” for the Protestant Preacher and renown evangelist.

Dr Graham had been struggling with a bad cold and kindly asked the “Commander in Chief” if it would be possible to reschedule and they talk about spiritual matters at another time. Dr. Graham never dreamt that it would be his last chance to speak with the world’s most powerful person on the planet because shortly after JFK, was shot to death in downtown Dallas. As Christians, I agree that we need to “sow seeds” and be “salt and light” while walking out our Christian faith daily for a lost and dying world whom is watching our every move. However, it is imperative that we be cognizant of the fact that since the world needs Jesus, we must be mindful that we just may be the only Bible that some will ever “read,” the only Jesus some will ever “see” and like never before we must do our best to lead the lost to the Lord.

It was said by a wise farmer: “You will never see a Harvest until you water your crops.” Sadly, the reason countless churches and Christians have seen very little fruit in leading their friends to Christ is because they haven’t lost sleep over the souls of their friends en route to Hell without Jesus. Question: When was the last time you lost sleep, crying and petitioning God in Heaven for the salvation of your lost friends souls?

The legendary General Booth, founder of the SALVATION ARMY had a passion to see souls saved. In its conception, the Salvation Army lived up to its name. It provided food, shelter and clothing to the destitute and its officers were in the “Lord’s Army” leading the “lost” to the Lord. A friendly reminder is that one is “lost” who has never trusted Christ to be their Sacrifice for sin and their Lord and Savior. Christ alone is the only way to eternal life and it is because of His death on the cross and His bodily resurrection that we have access to know Him intimately and as our Substitute. Because He died we can live for those trusting in Him.

Some of the younger officers employed with the Salvation Army were doing their best to win souls for Christ but with very little results. They wrote to their general at the national headquarters and asked him how he effortlessly saw scores come to the Savior. They asked his secret hoping to apply it in their personal lives. The General wrote back two words: “TRY TEARS.” Again, until we weep for lost souls we will never see the Harvest or “revival” we all say we want and need.

Friends, may we take our faith in Christ seriously. May we be about our “Father’s Business.” God had but one Son and He was an evangelist. The Bible is clear: “He that winneth souls is wise.” In sports circles, many believe “defense wins championships.” But in larger matters, I am convinced that “Offense builds the Kingdom.” As kids of the King, children of God and disciples of our Lord; may we die trying and live crying for the lost to be found in Christ before its eternally too late. No, we cannot reach everyone but each one can reach one. Souls are won – one at a time and for those of us in ministry, I rather be a “used car salesman” than a preacher who closes a sermon without inviting folks to trust Christ as Savior. Why? At least the salesman cares enough to ask you for the sale before you walk off his lot. Keep in mind, I am don’t evangelize because I am an evangelist but because Christ commands and compels all born-again believers to get off the sidelines and into the game for God’s glory. Evangelism is not a spectator sport but required for those whom call themselves saints. Evangelism is everything in ministry. When the Lord comes or calls us Home; may we all be busy “leading the lost to the Lord.”