The senior replied: “Son, if I don’t throw these starfish back into the ocean by noon, the intense rays of the summer Sun will bake them on the beach and they will die.” The teen paused and opposed to being compassionate said: “Old man, there must be over a billion stranded starfish around the World and hundreds if not thousands of beaches around the Globe. Do you really think you are making a difference?”
With tears in his eyes, the senior picked up another stranded starfish and walked toward the teenager. He said: “Young man, you are absolutely correct. They’re millions of stranded starfish around the World and hundreds and hundreds of beaches around the Globe and no I cannot reach them all.” At that very moment the senior tossed the starfish as far as he could back into the sea and as it was twirling in mid air in a perfect spiral right before it hit the water he replied: “No, I cannot reach them all but to that stranded starfish I can assure you it will make ALL the difference!”
Friends, we cannot reach everyone with the match-less message of God’s Gospel but we can ALL reach someone and the ones that we reach will make ALL the difference! You will reach people I will never be able to reach. One preacher preached a great message called: “God needs your personality!” Your life and lips will touch people and can make a eternal difference when we tell them of Jesus’ love and forgiveness. The world needs Jesus! Each one of us can reach one for God’s Kingdom! If McDonald’s boasts that over 99 million burgers have been sold; too bad we as Christians and the Body of Christ don’t attempt to reach more souls for Heaven’s sake. It has been said: “Whatever we do for self will pass. What we did for Christ will last.”
Today, millions of stranded starfish souls are stuck in society’s sin-sick shore waiting for a caring Christian to pick them up, dust them off and toss them into our Savior’s saving sea. Will you care enough for their eternal fate to point them to Jesus?
Friend, do you know where your going when you die? Ask the Lord to forgive you of your sins and click below to learn more about how to accept Christ as your Lord and Savior