Jamaica Jam! JESUS & Jamaica – May 30, 2011

JESUS & JAMAICA! What a combination!! The fact is, God loves the world so much that in the wise words of Max Lucado: "Jesus would rather die than live without you." It has been my privilege to be part of all three of Praisefest Ministries - "Cruise with a Cause" to the Bahamas (2006-2008). Dr [...]

"Good Friday"

Today, is the day that Christians world-wide remember Christ crucified on Calvary's cruel cross. So many nuggets are in Scripture, I love how the Lord used a virgin womb with Mother Mary and a virgin tomb of Joseph of Arimathea to be the bookends of history. Yes, it has been said: "History is really HIS [...]

The Sicko in the Sycamore

Initially, I considered naming this post GOING OUT ON A LIMB for the LORD or BRANCHING OUT in 2010. Either way, it reminds us all what happens when we reach out to Jesus. Desperate men must take drastic measures to get to God. Yes, prayer is a whisper away but obedience outstretched to [...]