This is the last of my three part post on "Dreams." We talked about "Daring to Dream," "Dreams vs Career" and now when "DREAMS DIE." My brother in law, Noe Salmeron was at the event above the day they demolished the famed Texas Stadium last week. Since 1971, Texas Stadium was the home of the [...]

"Back from the Big "D" – Simplicity

In my last post I shared with you about our recent experience while visiting the Lone Star State. It was our honor to visit the brand new $1.1 BILLION dollar baby of Cowboys owner - Jerry Jones. The three themes that kept ringing in my head like a bell from Baltimore were: "Succcess, [...]

Back from the Big "D" – "Success"

It is always fun to visit Dallas, TX. We just got home at midnight (last night) and I am feeling this morning like a muffler - EXHAUSTED. It was a wonderful trip and it was great reuniting with family and friends. Ruth's brothers and sisters live in Irving (just outside of the old [...]