"You don't have to be KNOWN to make His Name known"

My dear friend, Deborah Gillespie shared this email with me yesterday: "Frank, although YOU are the master of alliteration, Chuck Swindoll's thoughts on "Nobodies" reminded me of your thoughts about "The Greats are gracious" and I wanted to share this with you." Debbie is a dear sister in Christ and she is sold out [...]

DREAMS vs Career

This is post TWO of my three part blog installment on "DREAMS." The last post was entitled "DARE TO DREAM". Not all dreams are bad but not all are inspired from God. The Lord placed a book that was brewing in my life for sometime and when I finally sat down to write [...]

Why Church Attendance is Crucial

Folks stop me periodically and say: "Frank, I love Jesus, I am going to Heaven but I don't feel obligated to go to church. What do you think?" Perhaps you have had heard a similar statement too. Some suggest salvation is enough. Well, before I answer let me remind you what God says on this [...]